Last week of school

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October 6th 2007
Published: October 6th 2007
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What a crazy week! Finished teaching, preparing and giving exams, maintaining the peace between classmates, broke up two first grade girls who had each other in a two-handed neck choke hold, grading tests with the powerful red pen, celebrating a new friends' birthday, even saying good bye to the kiddos, and saying good bye to some of the other volunteers, getting Rob back to good health, and keeping my good health, whew! It was our last time seeing the students in first grade, second grade, and third grade, which was full of mixed emotions, depending on the day and their behavior. We will be seeing the upper grades next Monday and Tuesday for English summer camp, one day at school and one day at the beach, which should be fun! The chaotic first grade class actually sat and finished their tests (we have evidence through pictures, oh yeah!!) and cooperated well during "busy work" which our little ADHD kids did very well and zipped right through all of the worksheets, such connect the dots, color by number, etc. Wouldn't you know that the most hyper boy in the first grade and most troublesome with behavior and following teacher instruction, was one of the smartest kids in his class and received a 93 on his final exam!! Phenomenal!! Always full of surprises and we greatly praised him up and down for his good work, in which we received the biggest smile of all! Very cool! We are sooo proud! And, wouldn't you know that one of the troublemaker girls in the first grade class, gave me a friendship bracelet that she made on the last day of class along with a hug and a kiss on the cheek! WOW!! These kids are amazing and are so sweet in many hidden ways! Aside from our hectic school week, I gave Rob my little head cold/sore throat bug that I had last weekend. So, needless to say, he had a challenging week between his head being in the cloud, kids poking and screaming "teacher, teacher!"" or "Hello, hello! HELLO!!!" Poor guy, but he made it!! He is a true team player! After school we enjoyed our weekly massage, dinners with new friends and roommates, walks on the beach, kid time with games on the computer and Rob playing his music to them, which they loved. We had some surprise rainy rides on the motor
Sushi, birthday dinner with new friendsSushi, birthday dinner with new friendsSushi, birthday dinner with new friends

We celebrated our friend, Mandy's birthday, at a delicious sushi restaurant, with our new friends, new volunteers, and present volunteers! International dinners are always fun!
bike, lost the key today, oops! I think it is in a puddle somewhere, but thank goodness we were able to make a copy without any problems. We had a very sweet surprise on Friday, in which we knew they were honoring our fellow volunteer friend from Germany because it was his last day here, but we had no idea they were honoring us too! It was such an incredible, special moment, in which my heart was so full of love and appreciation, as each kid came forward, gave us a "flower" (a cute handmade gift that had little hand written messages on colorful paper, such as "I will miss you", "good luck", "see you again"), a hug and some of the girls even gave us kisses on the cheek! So amazing! Such love, respect, and big hearts! You guessed it-I cried, just a little though. I couldn't help it! It was such a generous act of kindness that blew me away! A moment I will always remember and treasure. As we have have seen with the other volunteer good byes, the head master of the school, gave a speech, with his limited English, thanking us for volunteering at his school, good teachers, good hearts, and to come back again. Very nice! Overall, it has been incredible to get to really know the Thai people, as they are very generous and giving, with what little they have, in which they live very simple, happy lives without all of the material possessions. Very amazing and wonderful to see, opening our eyes and hearts to bigger world out there, in which we are so small, but are all connected in one way or another. Hope this finds everyone well, enjoying each day! Love to all!

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


Our view from the porch of our roomOur view from the porch of our room
Our view from the porch of our room

Taken early in the morning, around 8 am, after our bucket baths, and 1 hour before school starts.
The picture says it all!The picture says it all!
The picture says it all!

First grade after exams! WOW!! YEP!!
Happy last day of schoolHappy last day of school
Happy last day of school

HOORAY!! The second graders celebrating, as Rob plays his guitar in the background! The kids get a kick of hearing their name sang in a song! They loved it!
Our surprise celebrationOur surprise celebration
Our surprise celebration

The whole school honored us 3 volunteers on the last day of school, very nice!!
The girls showing me some love!The girls showing me some love!
The girls showing me some love!

Rob and the boysRob and the boys
Rob and the boys

Wherever Rob goes, around school, around town, at the beach, you hear, "ROBERT!!!"
After school funAfter school fun
After school fun

There is always the same group of kids hanging out after school, until 6 or so at night. This is one of the girls, Cherly, climbing.

A beautiful second grader after school, hanging out and having fun.
Our dinner bug friendOur dinner bug friend
Our dinner bug friend

Very unique and rare here in Thailand! We were glad to have a glimpse of this amazing insect!
Dinner in our home away from homeDinner in our home away from home
Dinner in our home away from home

Timo-our German friend and volunteer, Janya-school science teacher and roommate, and Kwan-her fiance, cook, and roommate (left-right)

6th October 2007

so cute
Hmmm... 1st graders choking each other?? Your adventures get more and more interesting! I went through all the other blogs to check out the videos... everything looks so great! Miss you both!!
7th October 2007

We are enjoying your coverage of your experience very much. We can tell this is a situation where everyone is a winner. The picturers are teriffic. I plan to use your comments on sharing and giving in your October 6th message. We are discussing Paul's message in Corinthians about their reponse to the opportunity for giving.
7th October 2007

Thanks for my surprise b-day call. We are both enjoying every blog you send, what a great time. We shared a tissue with this last one. You do get attached to the children you work with. The settings you are going to are beautiful, what a privelege to be able to experience this. Love you both (don't hurry home) ENJOY WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!

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