We're all going on a summer holiday

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July 14th 2007
Published: July 14th 2007
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So week 3 in Helen's voyage around New Zealand.... and finally the sun has come out and it's not raining. It is however only about 2 degrees C so still wrapped up warm.

Early sunday morning in a fleece and trousers i headed up to the remarkables ski slopes (That's the name by the way) After freezing for 5 minutes i got kitted out in my snow gear and it was off to the slopes. Decided it would be cool to go intermediate (it's only been 7 years since i last skiied) i quickly learnt it is like riding a bike and realised the parrallel turns i was doing at the start was actually the stage he wanted us to get to at the end of the lesson. Quick learner. After a quick bite for lunch it was off on our own and we hit the deadly tracks... but i survived so never fear.

The next day a bigger group of us went out. It was a good laugh. I also managed to start an argument with a 5 year old who was playing on the stairs, I would have won except he cheated and called for his mum.

My last skiing day we went to Catomba(?). After really lesuirely skiing in the morning i.e skiing backwards so i could laugh at my snowboarding friends I then decided to try snowboarding for myself... I did the best J-turn my instructer had seen all day!!!! Now you have to bear in mind my j-turn was on a pretty much flat slope and only down a metre with one leg not strapped. It's still an achievement though. When both legs are strapped I fell flat on my arse and also my face on quite a fewoccasions. It was good fun though and i'm well on my way to reaching the olympic standard i want to get to!!

We had a big night out for my last night in Queenstown. Bar Wellington, Queenstown has been the most alive place I've visited and is a beautiful little town. However the bars can vary between full and empty. It was fun though.

It also meant Wednesday's trip up to Christchurch involved a lot of sleeping on the bus!!!!!
Christchurch itself is very pretty and very 'English' like. There is also the a river Avon there. I would have got some really lovely pictures of the place but due to a handover the day i arrived i went to bed early.

The next morning was a bit of an adventure. I thought my flight wasan hour later than it was (up to Auckland) but luckily it's a short ride to the airport. I also nearly lost my passport. Now it's always kept in the same place but the problem is i needed it to check in and put it in my pocket which then went into a draw and i nearly missed it. Luckily this was Thursday 12th not friday 13th as i'ld probably still be looking now if that was the case.

Ignoring the flight times and passport problems i was also concerned i wouldn't make it back up north due to the weather. The North of the north island has been experiancing crazy winds and rain. Amazingally when i landed in Auckland there was bright blue sky. Slightly bumpy landing but i can't complain worse comes to worse i'm a sky diving expert. (Where are parachutes located on commercial flights)

This also meant the 6 layers i was wearing in Queenstown and Christchurch (no joke) needed to be reduced. I am going to miss my hat and scarf. If i am hot here Fiji is going to kill me.

Now Thursday evening was spent relaxing by watching a film, 'Harry Potter' and on friday i stock up on supplies for Fiji (shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste etc etc), did my washing and then enjoyed a walk around Auckland itself. Saw the harbour and the Auckalnd bridge which you can also climb, but it's not as cool as Sydney's! Nearly died of fright by a canon type thing going off at the maritime museum as i walked past. Seriously i nearly ducked and covered.

So now super organised with my shuttle booked and passport in a safe location with my tickets and it's off to Fiji. I'm leaving the crazy winter weather behind... Summer hols here i come!!!


13th July 2007

bars vary between full and empty????
Don't all bars vary between full and empty? Or am i missing something?
14th July 2007

you're no fun
Yes all bars vary but at midnight when the partyis starting a quiet bar is dull. iwas prob drunk when i wrote that line.
16th July 2007

Sounds like you had a great time. I'dlove to try snowboarding. We crossed the Avon too! (it was in Stratford-random copying Aussies) Have an ace time in Fiji, and then America. Xx

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