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Europe » Greece » Pelopennese » Nafplion
June 30th 2007
Published: June 30th 2007
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HI everyone! We're currently in Nafplio -- this is our first full day here. Last night we arrived here about 7pm after:


yuck. the last bus we barely had any AC on and it was packed. We're staying in a really cute hotel, but i wouldn't exactly call it that. It used to be the apt/house of the current owner, and she made it into a hotel. There are exactly 5 rooms. Anyways, we had dinner last night and went to bed basically. We had a nice breakfast at the hotel which was wayyyy too much food. It's pretty surreal here: I can't really describe it and perhaps never will be able to. It's like combining an old town in a movie, say, in Italy or something and crossing it with Barrington. Like I said, hard to explain. After breakfast we met up with my dad's 2nd cousin and she drove all 5 of us to her house (all 4 girls squished in the backseat funnn) to meet my Yiayia Julia's first cousins and her uncle (who is 94)! We sat for a while and then all headed to Kandila in 2 cars. An experience, let me tell you. It's a little over an hour away by car. Lots of mountains to go through to get there! It's a very very very small village with minimal technology. I find it fascinating that they can live like they do but then drive everywhere in nice cars through the village. I don't feel like elaborating it more (I'm on overload, we were there for about 10 hours) ...and then we had a car ride back all squished in one car. Perhaps we'll talk another day about it. 😊

Nafplio is nice, but most people are very arrogant here. Yes, we are tourists, but hello, we are Greek and we speak Greek. This is the first issue with attitudes that we've had here with the general population ... yeah. So we have another full day here and then we will be off to Athens! As much as Athens is super crowded and smelly, give me city ANY DAY.


30th June 2007

Remind them you are Americans
On the fourth of July, remember to read the Declaration of Independence loud and proud. Explain that we are the greatest country in the world and don't have to live in the past. God Bless America
2nd July 2007

Miss you
Can't wait to see you soon.

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