Our Buddist experiences continue

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March 16th 2007
Published: March 16th 2007
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Well, im sorry its been a while since our last entry. We have gotten completely caught up in the magic of Dharamsala. It has been a whirl wind of buddist classes and ill feeling tummys.

We got here to Mcleod Ganj (a month ago now) and Julian became pretty ill. Then as soon as he was getting better it was my turn. We kept it pretty low key the first couple days, just wandering the 2 main roads in town staying close to our toilet! We tracked down a Buddist philosophy and meditation center and by chance there was an intro course starting the next day! It was a pre-course to His Holiness the Dalai Lama's annual spring teaching that started exactly a week later. We were walked through the basics and definitely started covering more "lofty" ideas throughout the week. We were taught by a very interesting and world renound western nun, Venable Rita from Switzerland. And another Australian nun led us through our, at first grueling meditation sessons. None the less Julian and I both completed the program with our heads overfilling with information and a lot of questions.

We experienced our first Hymalayan thunder storm as well. I thought the ones at home were scary!!! They last for days here and each horribly loud bang of thunder can go on for minutes on end. It got very cold and the hail came and went several times. Needless to say the power was out alot more then it was on. AH India!

A day later His Holiness started teaching in the beautiful temple complex here in town. Thousands and thousands of monks, nun, westerners and Tibetans all flooded the city to attend. The energy here was like nothing I have ever experienced. The town was buzzing.
When it came to researving a seat (which we had been well warned about) it was complete chaos. Days before the teachings started people go to the grounds and tape a peice of cardboard or a blanket down on the ground and write their name on it convinced that that would be thier seat for the next 2 weeks. Julian and I did just that and I think we only sat in "our spot" twice. People come and sat wherever not caring about whos seat it was. It was entertaining watching the high strung (mostly westerner's) almost in tears that the spot they saved was occupied. The best part was that these people were attending a peace and compassion talk. Very ironic we thought.

On the last day of His teachings there was a Long Life Puja, in His Holiness's hounor. Julian and I sat in the walk way where he walks to and from the stage. On his way out we were literaly within inches of him and he was beaming from ear to ear! It was increddible. We were buzzing off his energy the rest of the day!

Yesterday we started a Tibetan Massage course close to where we are staying. It goes for five days and the first two days have been VERY informative. We will be able to give a full body Tibetan massage at the end of it!

Durring the day we have planned a couple of day treks to near by villages and some waterfalls. Im looking for ward to exploring the area.

I think thats it for now... We will write again sooner then last time....hopefully!


25th March 2007

Hey Danica and Julian. still doesn't seem like you are actually so far away from me!I can't believe the amazing things you are doing...so jealous......When you get back you will be hearing hayley all over the radio..and I just might be her personal assistant...how wicked would that be...then I could travel all the time!!!! WOOHOO....Well anyways...nothing exciting to report here..but i can't wait to see some pictures...hope you aren't still sick Love you Chelsea
31st March 2007

Hey Guys!
Wow you guys I am so jealous! You guys are doing some wicked cool stuff and I can't wait to hear more about it when you get back, over sushi dinner hopefully (mmmmmm)!!! The rain has stopped (well as close to stopping as it gets around here) and the flowers are out, finally! Anyways, I wish you luck on your journeys and can't wait to read more. Cheyenne

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