13 Foley St

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January 26th 2007
Published: January 26th 2007
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NOw that I am a bit more settled into the house, I went around and took a few photos so that you would get a sense of what I'm living in 😊

Today is Australia day- pretty much the equivalent to Canada day- a lot of the Canadians went down to Sydney to party, but I'm not really feeling up to it. I'm feeling a little sicky, so hopefully that will run its course soon 😊

I'm going to go for a walk to the beach later on, so hopefully I will have some nice photos of the city etc....


Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


13 Foley St13 Foley St
13 Foley St

My room is the in the top right hand corner.
My roomMy room
My room

Pretty good room- the bed is on wheels so getting in and out is an adventure :)
My room 2My room 2
My room 2

The deskular area
view from my roomview from my room
view from my room

Its of Mt. Keira which is a little fuzzy today
back yardback yard
back yard

check out the pool!
lime treelime tree
lime tree

pass me a Corona!

26th January 2007

Happy Australia Day
Hey Adam! It's Tim Lee, hahaa, how's it going? I've only heard about your recent move errr, recently. Didn't even get to say goodbye =( Anyhoo, I just found out that January 26th is Australia Day! So have fun! Hope all is well!
26th January 2007

Mac and I received your blog. Good to see where you are living. The view, except for the pole is wonderful. Hope you're feeling better. It's minus 18 here! Think warm thoughts. Jane
27th January 2007

Ocean's apart!
Hey friend, I am sorry that I didn't get the chance to say Bon Voyage. I can't wait to hear more about your exciting life in Australia. I know you will have a blast! cheers Stephan

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