info day

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January 5th 2007
Published: January 6th 2007
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Jan. 5:
So today was a little uneventful…..we had a full schedule of informational meetings to go to. It wasn’t so bad though b/c I guess they knew we were going to do this all day. We had a coffee hour too which was nice- I met some more people. Finally around 4 we were done with meetings for the day and I got to rest for a little bit before the welcome reception. That was really nice- it was in Falmer Bar which is actually right on campus. They had us all together and gave us dinner and a complimentary drink……. I must say it took me a second to wrap my head around the fact that I was offered my choice of beer and wine when I walked through the door. It was a lot of fun and I met loads more people. We sat around the table just talking about randomness—it think we’ve about got airport security problems figured out….we may have things hammered soon enough thought  after the reception we all went to the East Slope Pub which is just behind my dorm. It is really easy to see why they choose to call these places pubs, which is short for public. Everyone just sort of automatically knows to go there in the evening. Its not really a planned thing at all—we just show up and sit around for a few hours to talk. No we will all have to cut back on the some when school actually starts but it really is soooo nice to just have a place to meet people. I mostly hung out with exchange students tonight but we did run into some British students. We had a funny conversation about how it says “smoking kills” right on the outside of cigarette boxes. There is no subtle surgeon general’s warning around here. It takes up a whole half the box. Anyway after the pub 5 of us came back and piled onto my bed to watch a movie. We settled on Monty Python in honor of our first night’s here in the UK. It really was fun and I am soo excited to be meeting people that I can just hang out with. Most everyone has been really nice—I am having so much trouble with names though. I feel like it will be forever before I am on top of things. Anyway tomorrow me and some of the girls are going to the store. I’ve realized that I should probably buy some food so I can eat and that I have forgotten a few small things. Oh well—it should be and adventure. I haven’t actually been into Brighton yet so I’m very excited to see it.
What I miss: knowing how to dial #’s on the phone
What I love: how social things are- always a coffee hour or a trip to the pub


7th January 2007

Miss family?
Cool to be talking to the "little Gnome" all the way across the world. Be happy!!! Aunt J.
9th January 2007

In School or having fun?
Guess a little of both. Enjoy. Aunt J

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