All the Beauty went to the NW

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June 20th 2005
Published: April 7th 2006
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I can't believe how beautiful the Northwest is. I took a bunch of pictures but can't seem to connect to the internet from my laptop just yet, I will have to post them later. The place I was supposed to stay in Wind River, WY, fell through so I decided to drive to Jackson and stayed in motel. The next day I drove and hiked some through Grand Teton park and Yellowstone! Great unexpected adventure. I had no idea how beautiful it was. It just kept going, and going, and going. It reminded me of how lavish God must be in his attention to man, all the things that we sometimes don't even see. I even saw some buffalo and elk. Those one and a half days will be the longest I will be by myself on the trip, it was peaceful. But next time I go to Yellowstone I definately want to go with others. At the top of the park I thought that the scenery would change and I was suprised to find that outside, in Montana, was still some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen. I mean, the whole thing was as pretty as the Greek Islands, the Galapagos, or even Italy. It was breathtaking. I highly recommend it as a vacation spot.

Now I am in Helena with some friends for the next couple days. Then Tacoma on Tuesday. Really looking forward to that!



23rd June 2005

Like the thought about how lavish is God's thoughts for us. The NW is incredibly beautiful, I love that aspect of living here and look forward to having you visit on Sunday. Am glad you are at CC this week...

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