Ray Mears has nothing on me!

Published: June 16th 2005
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Just returned from a one night camping trip around the Sargent Center trails. Weather has now changed from hot and humid to wet and cold. Had an excellent camping trip even in the rain. I made a camp fire and helped to cook dinner, pitch the tents, tie a bear bag, sing songs and play games. We even made apple pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast - excellent! Tommorow I am going canoeing and then learning how to teach archery! Saturday I have to go on Raptors Watch which is where you climb a tower and then jump off! Free time on Sunday to do washing and hopefully get off the camp for a day to explore. Then more training next week when the rest of the staff arrive.
Playing lots of games including Eygptian Ratscrew and Contact. Cooking breakfast tomorrow at the yurts! Next installment to follow soon .....


17th June 2005

Sounds like 'fun', I think.
17th June 2005

Sounds like fun!
17th June 2005

Sounds like fun!
Hi Caroline, Glad you are having a good time, all the outdoors stuff must make a difference from working in an office! Almost feeling jealous...! :-) Keep updating the log, it's good to hear your news! Katerina
17th June 2005

Hiya Caz, It sounds like it beats a day at Stop Gap! You'll have to be a Guide Leader (or similar) when you get back.

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