san ignacio

Published: December 9th 2006
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Diving the Blue HoleDiving the Blue HoleDiving the Blue Hole

see how peaceful we are...this is obviously before we ran into the sharks.
we had heard this little town just a few miles from the guatemala border was full of nice people but geez....

our taxi driver was actually smiling while heaving our packs into the trunk. it made you almost paranoid as to what he may know that you donĀ“t...but in the end, i guess it was just that happy water they drink here. each and everyone we ran into here was helpful, happy and eager to hear your stories of travel. we decided to take in the local mayan ruins that sat atop their tiny town. the walk was welcomed as we had yet to burn a calorie in the prior 24 hours. a few minutes to relax around a finer hotel we snuck into on the way back and we were good to go. oh, and we finally got to watch a movie on cable here...8 dollars a night and it came with cable!!

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9th December 2006

We Love Your Reports
What an amazing age we live in. To sit in our TV room and read and see your adventures unfold is unbelievable and fascinating. You are doing a great job of bringing your trip to life for us. We look forward to the next installments. We have both been under the weather for the past several days with some "bug" but are doing better now. Haven't seen your mom or Dave since they returned from NYC but apparently all went well there. Love, Grandma and Grandpa
9th December 2006

The girls showed me the pictures, you guys look like your having fun. Be careful out there. Love, Dad
11th December 2006

You two look amazing, and looking to be having a spectacular time! I wish both of you all of my best on this awesome adventure!
12th December 2006

Living the Life...
What a life! I wish I was out there with you guys... Have enough fun for me... Joe
13th December 2006

love and miss you but glad to see you are having fun. Don't forget the sunscreen. It's pretty cool to be sitting at work and able to enjoy your adventures vicariously. stay safe and keep updating this book. ILY
13th December 2006

Keep on traveling
Hi Erin, good job on the blog - pics and descriptions are great. How could you not be having fun. I just got back from 8 days in the Galapagos (Dec 1-11) with my company Go South Adventures on the boat Letty ( Got some great underwater shots and video. Will email a couple. Que te vayas bien, Troy

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