Fraser Island

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November 17th 2006
Published: November 19th 2006
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Karen and I spent ages trying to get this just right after seeing one in a photo shop!

Another early start at 6 to pick up our 4x4 and have safety briefing before getting the 9am ferry across to Fraser Island which is a giant sand island. We drove up the beach on the east coast which is so much fun except when you get stuck in soft sand. We climbed up Indian head but didn't see any sea life which could have included tiger sharks! On the way back down the beach we stopped at Eli creek where you can float down the stream. It is cold but fun. We had to be of the beach by 3 because of high tide so went back to Eurong resort hotel room- yes hotel room with just Karen and I in it. Took the opportunity to wash clothes and have a rucksack repack.


Headed south from Eurong and then inland to see all the lakes. The roads inland are two way single tracks but we didn't come across much traffic. We stopped at 3 very different lakes and then made our way back to the ferry. It was a great 2 days and I'm really glad we hired our own jeep as the best bit was getting to drive on the sand. So many others did it on a tour bus I can't imagine how bumpy their ride must have been. Thanks for the suggestion Neil!

Additional photos below
Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


Inland roadsInland roads
Inland roads

watch out for the bumps!
Lake BoomanjinLake Boomanjin
Lake Boomanjin

Red water (from the iron), reed covered banks, saw 5 other people, had a nice stroll along the shore.
Lake BirrabeenLake Birrabeen
Lake Birrabeen

Beautiful clear lake, lovely sand beach on one side and Karen and I had the place to ourselves!!
Lake McKenzieLake McKenzie
Lake McKenzie

Beautiful clear lake, lovely white sand beach and 100s of other people to share it with!!

19th November 2006

G'day from cold UK
Hi Tamsin, Jill mentioned your blog so I thought I'd have a look. Sounds like you're having an amazing time - isn't Frazer Island beautiful? I was there the day we got the news that Tony Blair had been elected in 1997. Seems like yesterday! Hope all continues to go well and do get in touch if you need anything prior to arriving in Malawi - although I'm sure that all seems like a long, long, long way off just yet. All the best, Julie

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