Heaven all day!

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July 10th 2018
Published: July 11th 2018
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Today was a day every bicycle rider dreams about!

I started the day enjoying a great breakfast with Steve, and reluctantly had to say goodbye to begin today’s ride.

The two previous days with Steve, Greg and Taylor were so restful and sublime, it is hard to go back to my life riding a bike every day.

But I must finish what I started!

The first 20 miles was downhill with stunning views of the Blue River and soaring mountains in every direction.

The peddling was effortless!

Most difficult part of today’s blog has been deciding which of the 50 pictures today should be included.

I stopped a lot of times to take in the view and snap some pictures! I love Colorado.❤️❤️

The Blue River flows into the Green Mountain Reservoir and I turned onto a very quiet road that parallels the west side of the Reservoir for about 15 miles. Along the way I startled three deer and finally took a picture of one who stood still long enough for me to snap a shot.

In addition to the fantastic views along the way, I stopped and talked to several riders and one walker going the other way.

It is always fun to stop and chat for awhile.

They have been where I am going and I have left behind where they are headed. It’s like looking into the future in a way!

Lots to share and tips go both ways.

I have included pictures of those I met today.

After passing Kremmling at the 43 mile point, I turned North East on Highway 40 and paralleld the Colorado River toward Hot Sulphur Springs where I completed my day.

I arrived here and checked into the Canyon Motel just in time to avoid the afternoon thunderstorms.

I know the residents here are very grateful for the rain and it was fun to be inside during the downpour.

Tomorrow, I have a long day scheduled, so I will probably leave earlier to be in Walden, Colorado before the afternoon showers.

It is hard to believe tomorrow night will be my last in Colorado.

Then on to Wyoming.

Additional photos below
Photos: 20, Displayed: 20


Elk bridge on Highway 9Elk bridge on Highway 9
Elk bridge on Highway 9

This road wis lined with Elk Fences and there were bridges every mile or so.
Ramen from PolandRamen from Poland
Ramen from Poland

Raman has walked from San Francisco and is going to New York. He averages 33 miles a day.

11th July 2018

Sure, CO is lovely, but then there's WY...
Yeah, yeah, Colorado is pretty cool, but not as cool as Big, Wonderful Wyoming! See ya soon, cuz!

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