Byron Tourists

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November 9th 2006
Published: November 9th 2006
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Cave @ Natural Arch NPCave @ Natural Arch NPCave @ Natural Arch NP

There are a ton of BATS in the cave...kind of creepy, but cool!
We’ve finally moving from Byron (after four weeks!). We finished our last day of work at the fruit farm yesterday. It was good fun, but feels good to be done.

We went out to this little town (Casino) last night to visit with some of the locals that we worked with. Visited a bar that one of the girl’s works at, had some drinks and played some pool and ended up going over for a BBQ to another couples place. Wasn’t much of a “BBQ” since it was raining pretty heavy, and thundering and lightning (we have been in some amazing lightning storms here!!). It will thunder and rain one day, then clear up and be so hot and muggy the next.

John-o, a supervisor from work, took us out to a couple of national parks last Sunday. The pictures of the waterfall are from Natural Arch NP, and the ones of the parrots and people in trees is from Lamington NP. The parrots are just wild birds that hang out at the information centre since there are a ton of people with birdseed waiting around for the birds to sit on them. You could get three on you
Cave @ Natural Arch NPCave @ Natural Arch NPCave @ Natural Arch NP

That's Sheree, one of the girls we worked with at the farm.
at one time, one on each hand and another on your head!! The tree that Ashley and Ben are in is called a Strangling Fig tree. A very small shoot will start off by growing up an existing tree, and then many years later, the host tree will be completely covered by the strangling fig tree and rot away leaving a hollow tree. Pretty cool, and so fun to climb up inside of it!! I think I got about 20-30 feet up inside!

We also went on a suspension bridge walk, but unfortunately our camera battery died just after the hollow tree and we didn’t get any pictures of it. We’ll post photos when we get them off some of the other people that were there with us.

Ok, back to our plans and travels, we are leaving Byron tomorrow, November 10th (Dad’s Birthday) and heading up towards Surfers Paradise. WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!

That’s all from us.

P.S. wow, we slept in a real bed last night, and sat on a couch! What luxuries!!!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Black AppleBlack Apple
Black Apple

Some gross fruit that John-o thought we should try.
Natural Arch National Park Natural Arch National Park
Natural Arch National Park

Kevin, John-o, Ben, me and Sheree.
Lamington NPLamington NP
Lamington NP

A TON of parrots and a turkey!!!
More Parrots!!More Parrots!!
More Parrots!!

Lamington NPLamington NP
Lamington NP

This is the Strangling Fig Tree.....and that's Ashley's arm waving out!!!
Lamington NPLamington NP
Lamington NP

The hollow tree....
Last NightsLast Nights
Last Nights

That was the last night with Ben and Kevin (our English mates) before we split and the last Tuesday night cheap pizza from Eagle Boy's Pizza :(

Sheree, Ricky and Nora at Casino.

9th November 2006

Sweet pics again guys. Could you bring me back a parrott?
10th November 2006

I love the parrots! Cool tree, too... speaking of plants, yours are doing well except for one who I'm guessing isn't liking the cooler weather... I have them in the garage where it get warm from the house but it's not as well heated as indoors... I hope they do alright, I don't have room inside for them! Work is going well, and I'm getting over a cough right now - that's about the biggest news from me, lol. I actually had to work late last night, so I guess I'm finally useful now! Looking forward to the long weekend for Remembrance Day, starting tomorrow. Big hugs to both of you and I miss you lots! Can't wait til you're back. Love Mon

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