Blogs from Montevideo, District of Montevideo, Uruguay, South America - page 28


Today was the first morning we have had free. All the girls took advantage of their free time to ....go to a beach in Montevideo. They spent a few hours there then had lunch and shopped a little. Kali is feeling much better and joined the girls today. Mr and Mrs. Siu along with Tad and Mila and Jose, Mitchell, Mandy and coach went to the soccer museum which is located in the Montevideo Stadium. They toured the museum as well as the facility, walking on the turf field and visiting the changing rooms. The history is rich as this small country of 3 million people have won the World Cup of soccer on two occasions. The first was as the host team in 1930 in the very same stadium and their second victory was ... read more
Brazilian Heartbreak
Tad walking on soccer history
Gaucho and future gaucho

Everyone received a 7:00 AM wake up call...breakfast at the hotel and then we walked to the Plaza Constitucion which is located 1 block from the hotel...then onto the air-conditioned bus (29 degrees) for a bus tour of Montevideo....our hotel is located in the old part of we ventured out to see beaches, shopping malls, lots of monuments and plaza's and the highest viewing point in the city......the Communication Tower....then we had lunch in a market place where we had our choice of barbequed meats.....then a 15 minute walk back to the hotel. We left the hotel around 3:30 PM for the 25 minute bus ride to the Uruguayan American School.....this is a small private school that caters to students whose parents are posted or are working in Uruguay...many Americans and some Canadians......also, about ... read more
The meeting of the minds
Cultural appreciation
The beaches of Montevideo

Hola queridos amigos en Alemania! Muchos Saludos desde Urugay! Heute nun der zweite Teil meines Reiseberichtes, welcher in Urugay stattfindet... Es ging also zunaechst mit der Faehre am Morgen des 11. 03. 2007 nach Colonia de Secremento, um dann mit dem Bus 2 1/2 Stunden weiter nach Montevideo zu fahren. Die Busfahrt nutzten Zoe und ich, um unser Schlafdefizit nachzuholen, entsprechend verleif die Fahrt auch relativ schnell. Wir hatten in Montevideo kein Hostel gebucht oder reserviert, aber uns einige Adressen im Internet rausgesucht, und sind mit dem Taxi einfach mal los zum Plaza de Independencia, wo ein nettes Hostal sein sollte. Glueckspilze wie wir sind hatten sie auch noch zwei Betten frei und so machten wir es uns erst einmal gemuetlich, nahmen eine schoene kalte Dusche, um spater ein wenig durch die Strassen der Altstadt zu ... read more

Hey everyone. Lots to jam into this blog as there has been a bit of a gap since the last one. But firstly, I just wanted to let everyone know that I have finally found an internet cafe with a fast connection and so I have been able to put some photos up. So far I have added some to the Pantanal blog but I'm going to carry on loading to the other blog without photos so go back and have a look. I many also add some more to Rio and Paraty if I have time. Foz do Iguazu from the Argentinian side Sorry Brazil but I have to confess that my favourite side for viewing the falls had to be the Argentinian side. The Brazilian side did give you a feel for how vast ... read more
Safety first
Yet more cataracts
Look at the spray

The truck left at five o'clock on Sunday morning, well before I was up for Church! We drove all day & arrived into Foz D Iguazu well after dark to a crappy buffet at the campsite, which looked like it had been sitting out for hours. So far, I don't think anybody on the truck is particularly impressed with Brazillian food. Because we arrived so late, it was beer o'clock straight after dinner & the campsite had arranged a salsa party beginning at eleven. I don't know why it was called a salsa party because it was all house & techno music playing & nobody was doing any salsa dancing. There was a truckload of Kumuka people wearing bikinis (even the boys) & lays, but that just made it look like a hawaiian themed party. The ... read more

It´s another early start again today, but this time the bus ride from Salto to Montevideo only lasts about 2 hours. We arrive to find that George W. Bush is in town and the area surrounding Plaza de Independenzia is cordoned off. All around the city there are posters and grafitti expressing the local sentiment toward him, which isn´t complimentary! As we only have a couple of days in Montevideo we are pressed for time to see as much as possible so promptly get ourselves booked onto the city tour bus. This doesn´t turn out to be such a good decision as, although the tour is sold as being in English, the guide tells most of the history in rapid Spanish with the occasional word in English, which basically tells us the name of something ... read more
Street market
View of Montevideo from highest point
George Salutes YOU!

After a relaxing but very short visit to beautiful Florianoplis, we arrived on the Argentinian side of the Iguazu falls after yet another long night bus. We decided to leave the falls on a night bus the next day so we had two half days to do the touisty thing and have a good look at these world famous waterfalls. We arrived at the falls in the afternoon and decided to go for a boat ride to experience the view from water level. Water certainly was the operative word as we didn't anticipate that the boat would actually go under the falls not once but several times. We were a bit concerned when the boat driver gave us a dry sack to put all our valuables in first, before giving us a lifejacket and donning a ... read more
The falls
Before going under the waterfall
The wet duo

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Apologies - currently unable to restore. If you have a backup please edit this entry and save/publish. There is a small possibility that this entry will be restored - only small. ... read more

South America » Uruguay » District of Montevideo » Montevideo February 26th 2007

After a long flight via Sydney, Auckland and Santiago we arrived in Buenos Aires, only 1 hour late. BA is a very impressive city. We did a half day tour with Monica and four Aussies, and are looking forward to returning here for 6 days at the end of our trip. Interesting architecture and lovely parks. We had steak on Saturday night and it well and truly lived up to its our expectations. We both agreed it was the best we had ever tasted and the Tbones from Coles on return will be pretty ordinary by comparison. We had to have steak two nights in a row. Sunday was a lazy day, transiting to our ship. There´s about 2200 passengers, around 60% yanks we think, but we are flanked by Adelaideans on either side of our ... read more

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