Blogs from Montevideo, District of Montevideo, Uruguay, South America - page 27


Hola! Appologies for the lack of blog, once again! Well I think I last left you guys in New Zealand. We flew out of the big city that is Auckland nearly one month ago now . Our last few days were spent trying to sell our beloved car. Apparently though, most backpakers are richer than us and want a car that is newer than our 1984 Mitsibushi Mirage! We evenb tried to give it away at our hostel but nobody wanted it! The morning before our flight out, a lovely man saw the car for it´s true worth and bought it from us for $400 NZ, despite the fact the window would not open! The flight was long and my video didn´t work so I had to watch the one next to me!! I think we ... read more

Hello wonderful friends and family, I hope this entry finds you in good health and good spirits! I am currently in Lima winding down the trip and getting set to come home tomorrow late in the evening! I have had a wonderful time in South America but I am excited to be coming back for a spell and to see you all! I know I have posted a few blogs about my travels recently as I catch up on all that I have been seeing and experiencing. I left you last in Puerto Iguazu and the brilliant waterfalls and beautiful butterflies of Iguazu National Park in northeastern Argentina. But enough of the past and on to the, well, more recent past. From Puerto Iguazu I hopped a bus to travel south towards Montevideo, Uruguay. The ... read more
La Poloma Sea Shore

Gestern haben wir uns Montevideo angeguckt. Haben so eine City Tour mitgemacht. War eine schlechte Idee von mir, da wir ueber 3 Stunden in einem Minibus gesessen haben und 4 mal angehalten haben um Fotos zu machen und bei jedem Stop hatten wir nur 5 minuten Zeit. Kam wir mir vor wie ein Japaner. Foto und schnell wieder in den Bus. Unsere Tour Guide konnte leider nicht so gut englisch. Hatte es zum ersten Mal auf englisch gemacht, wie sie es mir hinterher verraten hat. Dementsprechend kriegte ich (war die einzige im Bus, die kein spanisch konnte ) weniger Informationen, wie "In dieser Strasse sind viele Haeuser", "auf der rechten Seite sehen Sie einen Park", "auf der linken Seite ist das Meer und auf der rechten sind Gebaeude", "die Strasse ist sehr wichtig". Sie hat ... read more
Matt und ich an der Sea front
Das Grab vom ersten Bishop
Ein tolles Gebaeude

Buenos Aires Silke finally arrived!!!! :-D We spent in total another 4 days in Buenos Aires ... this time rather than staying in downtown we decided to go out to the Tango district of San Telmo. We went to see a Tango show together ... which included an hours lesson ... it went much much better than it did the last time I did a lesson .. not sure whether that was to do with the instructor, or the very sexy lady that I was dancing with ;-) We went to Recoleta Cemetery, and once again lined up to see Evita's grave! And, after 5 weeks in Argentina, I had my first run in with an overly patriotic taxi driver, who seemed to enjoy holding me personally responsible for Britain's role in the Falklands conflict. ... read more
In the park with Silke!
Puerto Madero
Old and New

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... though not necessarily in that order. I had really only come to Montevideo to duck into the Brazilian consultate to arrange my visa, but I foolishly hadn't factored in the 'fatneck time premium' one must consider when dealing with bureaucratic pencil pushers and paper shufflers. Thankfully, the visa processing time was only two working days, and not the 'four to six weeks' of the good old Tax Office. There was little to remark of my time in the city, except for the events of one day which started off slow but turned out noteworthy, for good and bad reasons. The city itself is pretty small, so I set off on a walking tour to take in the sights, if there indeed were any ... read more
White sand, brown water
It´s a long way to the top if you wanna...
Sitting in the bleachers at Jethro Tull

Well... Today was the second day in Uruguay for me... maybe things here arent as bad as they seemed yesterday for me. However, I still want to leave tommorow and get going to Iguazu falls. Im getting tired of the bigger cities...I think you can get to know a country and its people better by the smaller places in it. Today me and my temporary travel buddy, from the US didnt really do much.. we wandered around the main street and checked out the Uruguayan girls... we both agreed that the girls here are better than the ones in Buenos Aires. People in general here are a bit different, not as much poverty...but it is a much smaller city. The city has some pretty interesting buildings (I will post pictures later in the week, sorry!) a ... read more

Hey all. Today was my first day in Uruguay.... We left Buenos Aires at around 7 on a boat to Colonia Del Sacramento...its basically an old Portugese fort... which is all touristy now... we walked around for a little bit... its really small. I got a lot of good pictures, the buildings were very very old. We stopped for lunch at another over priced place, at the very end of lunch it started pissing rain and the wind was blowing like crazy. We had originally planned to stay for 6 hours or so but after 2 we had pretty much seen it all and we decided to get the bus early to Montevideo. And thats where I am at now... this new hostel makes my old one look like the Ritz, a total over about ... read more

Montevideo was really nice. I was excpecting something much worse. There were some slumps we paced on the way in but the city itself was great. I learnt most importantantly that Uruguay was the soccer champion at the Olympics in the 1920´s so they were chosen to host teh very first World Cup in 1930! That´s something for the trivia night. I did a city tour with some of the others but the best part was just kicking back and looking at all the shops and market. I bought some nice jewellery. ... read more

Some claimed that Montevideo is the Latin American city with the highest quality of life. While the guidebook claimed : "Montevideo is probably South America's most laid-back capital." I think by saying that Montevideo is "laid-back' it meant dull. The capital city of Uruguay is small with a population of not more than 1.4 million, many of them are students and young workers, but this place is far from the excitement that Buenos Aires has to offer. It may be laid-back but the bottomline is there was simply not much going on. The city was founded by Portuguese and the Spanish later ruled the area. I gather many of the European forces then were hoping to control this area as Montevideo sits right at the mouth of the Rio de la Plata which flows to ... read more
Montevideo Opera House

After breakfast at the hotel we depart at 10:00 by bus for the airport where we pay a $16 US departure tax / per person to fly out of Montevideo. It is approximately a 35 minute flight to Buenos Aires. We will have a 1 3/4 hour stop over and then catch a flight to Iquazu Falls which is located in northeast Argentina adjacent to the Brazilian border. Part of the falls is located in Brazil but we will remain on the Argentinian side only. We will be staying at the Hotel St. Georges which is about 10 kilometers from the falls. Here are some final images of our stay in Montevideo. ¡Hola! ....and Ruth.....we wish you were here! The 30 minute flight from Montevideo to Buenos Aires took 45 to 50 minutes because for ... read more
The Plaza Independencia
Montevideo Policia
A view of Indepencia Square from our hotel

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