Blogs from Sacred Valley, Cusco, Peru, South America - page 14


South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley October 30th 2006

Après quelques jours à Cusco où nous avons pu en apprendre davantage sur la civilisation Inca, faire du shopping et profiter de la vie nocturne, nous avons pris la route de la Vallée Sacrée des Incas. Première halte après à peine une heure de bus local authentique, Chinchero. Une très sympatique guide nous offre une visite commentée gratuite (fait assez rare -voire unique- pour le souligner) qui nous est bien utile! Ainsi elle nous explique l'organisation de la vie dans le village, les croyances et rites aux temps de Pachacutec et ses descendants... Les terrasses sont encore intactes et les murs aux énormes pierres taillées impressionants. La place principale ne conserve plus grand chose de l'époque Inca, les espagnols étant passés par là et ayant construit leur église sur les fondations incas... ils ont donc rasés ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley October 12th 2006

Hi Everybody, Back again, just thought would update before we go to the jungle tomorrow. Really excited five days of sweaty hot humid heat and seriously, can´t wait. Since we last spoke we have been horseriding in the hills surround Cusco which was amazing, really peacful and incredible views, but very sore arses afterwards...thank god for the tiger balm (thanks Tara, came in v handy!). Unfortunately we have very few pictures as Rich had the camera and was struggling with the whole controlling the horse and taking photos at the same time (not that I would have been any better). Mind you my horse was slightly less enthusiastic about the whole ride than Rich´s horse was as he was constantly 20 meters in front. Oh, also not to mention the fact that it pissed with ... read more
Rich and Rach at Macchu Pitchu
I told him not to climb down there....
Anyone´s guess!

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley October 1st 2006

Another day, another bus tour. This time to the Sacred Valley. First stop was Pisac, which "comes alive" on a Sunday with hundreds of people coming to the market. Then we went on to the famous semi-circular concentric terraces used by the Incas to farm different crops at the best possible altitude. Saw some amazingly intricate water channels and well-preserved buildings. Felt slightly out of breath by the time we got to the top of the mountain, but am putting that down to the altitude. After a big buffet lunch at a tourist restaurant with our own musical entertainment, we drove on through the Urumbamba valley to Ollantaytambo, the best-surviving example of Inca city planning with narrow cobbled streets that have been constantly inhabited since the 13th century. Saw tiny enclosed yards where people hung out ... read more
Taking a breather from climbing
The prestigious two-tiered doorway
The water feature

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley September 25th 2006

Visita al valle sagrado, las ruinas de Pisac y Ollantaytambo. El Valle Sagrado es un valle en el que se encuentran muchas ruinas arqueologicas construidas por los Incas hace 500 años. Diferentes construcciones realizadas en piedra y con objetivos militares, de agricultura y religiosos. Presencia de numerosas terrazas de cultivo y caminos con puertas de control y lugares de vigilancia. English Visit to the Sacred Valley, the Pisac and Ollantaytambo ruins. The Sacred Valleyis a valley with a lot of archeologic ruins built by the Incas 500 years ago. Different constructions made in stone with military, agriculture and religious objectives. Existence of many agriculture terraces and paths with control doors and guarding places.... read more
Terrazas Incas / Inca terraces

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley September 24th 2006

Since Pisac is quite reknowned for its Sunday market, we had no problem deciding which town to visit first.... After checking out the prices of some of the tours advertised ALL over Cusco, I decided to get there on my own taking the local bus. And it turned out to be the best decision, since all tours visited the entire Sacred Valley in one day (stopping at about 4 different towns) so you can imagine what little time is spent in the actual town itself. I prefer visiting less and spending more time at the site, and on the bus I finally felt immersed once again in Andean culture.... The trip to Pisac only lasted an hour (costing only Lm0.20) and the scenery on the way was breathtaking.... the road zigzagged in and out of the ... read more
Th bus ride to Pisac
The streets of Pisac

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley September 3rd 2006

Saturday 2nd September 2006 After another hearty breakfast, we spent the morning walking around the maraflores area of Lima and some local parks. They were offering free rabies jabs to local resident’s dogs but unfortunately we already had ours in Manchester! We made our way back to the hotel and took a taxi to Lima airport for our flight to Cuzco. Everything went fine except they confiscated my deodorant at security counter which Dee was a little concerned about to say the least! The flight to Cuzco only took an hour (unfortunately no upgrades available!) and we were looking forward to the fantastic views of the Sacred Valley and surrounding mountains. Unfortunately the weather was against us and all we saw was some clouds and a video of the highlights of Peru in Spanish, on repeat! ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley August 15th 2006

We started the tour at 9am, going past Sacsayhuaman. Further along we passed another fortress (Puca Pucara - I think) which looked quite like an European medieval castle. Along the road there are many gum (eucalyptus) trees which have largely replaced the local species. These are popular because they grow quickly so make good fire wood and building material. Our first stop was a village somewhat off the main road. The colourfully dressed ladies had set up craft stalls on the edge of the soccer field which was located in the middle of the village. The houses around the soccer field where all made out of mud bricks since this is the cheapest method of building in this region. When purchasing items from the ladies they where extremely grateful, and one even ran to her house ... read more
The village
The Sacred Valley

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley August 7th 2006

After our hike I think it was probably necessary to relax for a few days in Cusco. This we did, and as Laurence slowly ploughed his way through the “South America Explorers” library I dreamt of fried breakfasts and relived my dreams every morning at “Jacks café” with a big “Gordo” fry up. Cusco is basically a good place to recuperate, eat food, drink and dance (if the occasion really calls for it). The town is an interesting blend of Inca and Spanish masonry, the highlight of which is a twelve-sided stone, much frequented by tourists. After a few days of fried breakfasts we headed back to the sacred valley to visit Pisac and Ollantaytambo. The ruins at Pisac were fantastic. It was easy to make a good days hike out of them. It was ... read more
The ruins at Pisac
The most famous stone in Cusco
Jacks Cafe.

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley August 5th 2006

We arrived in Cusco with partying in mind! Cusco was once the Inca capital and is also now the biggest party town in South America. We enjoyed a night out in Mama Africas and tried the local cuisine which was (Tess) really nice. We had a BBQ of beef, chicken, sausage and salad etc. Most things here are served with either rice or fries and carne seems to be the meal du jour, every day! Mama Africas was fun although a slightly dingy bar with the tiniest balcony. It was full of people from all different origins and made for a good night out nonetheless. Before our Inca trail we spent a day visiting some of the nearby ruins. We visited the Sacred Valley, the Incan fortress of Ollantaytambo, Sacsayhuaman and Pisac. We also met all ... read more
Sacred Valley
Inca Irrigation

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley July 15th 2006

So that´s Ecuador left behind. We´re writing this from Cuzco in south-eastern Peru, where we arrived yesterday after an epic 24-hour journey from the Galapagos Islands that involved four flights, some sailing, a taxi ride in a rather out-of-shape Toyota Corolla and the combined total of about 11 minutes´sleep. It´s a tribute to how splendid Cuzco is that we managed to last until bedtime without giving to the desire to be horizontal. Bit short of breath, though, as it´s 3600m above sea level. We´ve been in south America for a whole month now, although it feels more like about 10 days, and so you find us in reflective mood. We were sad to leave Ecuador, too, because we liked it a lot and it felt like we hadn´t seen enough of it, even though it´s not ... read more
Home from home

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