a crazy few days

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South America » Ecuador » North » Quito
June 11th 2007
Published: June 11th 2007
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well interesting and hecktic last few traveling days here is the synopsis because lots happened...

so baños... we eventually found horses which could go in the rain so we headed out to them in a jeep... we were about 5minutes out of town when smoke filled the cab of the jeep as there was a fire inside under the front seat!... yeah i was in shotgun and hoped out before we had even stopped so much for women and children first... sorry kyle... anyways we parked on the side of the road and waited around well our driver ´fixed´the jeep... it involved hitting the battery with a rock... so needless to say the car never started again... so we stuck out our thumbs as we were determined to get to these horses... hopping into the back of a truck we were on our way again... or atleast until the mudslide which covered the road out of baños... so out of the truck and on foot... we climbed over the ash and mud mixture from the nearby volcano and days of rain jumping over a river as we went... cought a bus on the other side for a bit then got off and proceed on a few k hike up to our mighty steeds...

stu´s horse was about 25 hands... (just kjidding i have no idea what a hand is but i know that the horses got 50 furlongs to the hogs head)... and kyle´s was about 10 ... so the to next to each other stu needing a step ladder to get on his horse and kyle´s legs dranged as we went... my horse, like baby bear´s porridge and bed was juuuusssst right...

so we went up the volcano and it started raining and we all got soked... especially me being smart and leaving my rain coat at the hostel...

the way back to town was the inverse of the way there pretty much execpt i didn´t jump into a burning truck...

oh yeah and i forgot that morning we went to the hot springs at at 6 to beat the crowd which was nice but they reminded me of the robbin´s doughnuts in skidney where all the old people would dress up and have early morning coffee and a chat... next we had steam boxes which were pretty nice and relaxing but the benifical effects were reversed by the horses...

so the next day we headed out of baños and off to river rafting in tena... but on the bus there a truck took a corner too fast and hit our bus... right below my window and knocked us off the pavement which made us almost tip over and fall down the massive clff we were on... it was messy... but everyone was fine and we got some crazy photos...

so our bus now broken so for the second time in as many days we stuck out the thumbs and tried to get a ride.. emphasis on tried... eventually after everyone else had a ride the driver got us on another bus though we had to have our bags on our laps... lame... so for another 4 uncomfortable hours we rode until we finally made it into tena... we crashed that night (pardon the pun) at some random hostel which hadden had a person stay there in a week... but it was fine... the next day (today) we woke up to get a rafting trip.. but as it is the day of rest... nothing was open... so sucks to rafting and we went to a ´zoo´ which was fun and got ot see a chicken get fed to an ocelot.... yeha brutal but kinda neat to see... (sounds like i´m a creap but really i´m not)

so we bussed to quito where we are now for the next few days.. full of the equator and embassey visits.. before we fly out to the galapagos...

so until next time



11th June 2007

Que loco!
Wow! You guys are having quite the experiences. I can't wait to see your pictures! Take care of yourselves.

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