Colombia - the only risk is that you'll want to stay

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South America » Colombia » Bogota
December 22nd 2009
Published: December 22nd 2009
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What? Where? Why?
I am currently in Bogota, after going for a few days to a nice place called Villa de Leyva, I am supposed to leave again soon to Cali, where there should be a festival.

Not including Villa de Leyva, that I spent with two English girls I met on the bus, so far I am hanging around Colombians almost all the time, I am speaking to taxi drivers, I am speaking to people on the bus, I am speaking with people on the street and... well you get the pic.

This is the woman I had to eat in sense I came to Colombia?
Yes, Spanish is a hard language, and sometime you make mistakes, its particularly funny when you want to tell a waiter that this is the best meal you had in Colombia and this is the result.
I can tell you that this mistake is not mine, but English friends of mine whose Spanish is not as good as mine, but I too run into situations where the table around me is laughing, and I sit there, thinking what did I say this time?
Usually I said YES and they were asking things like:
Where do you want to go?
What is the best thing you've seen in Colombia?
Or If you were an animal, what animal would you be?

Jesus is everywhere
Colombia seems like a really religious country, and now , next to Christmas you can see lights where ever you go and of course, loads of churches and Jesus and Maria statues.
I was just wondering, is it just me or did anyone else notice that Jesus looks just like Maria but with a beard?

Law and order
I was on my way back to my hostel at evening and I was a bit unsure where I am (Lets not call it lost), I asked a couple that directed and an older woman, that walking and writing at the same time, said she'll show me the way.
We went and started talking, apparently she is involved in an international law suit of Ecuador against Colombia about Colombia spraying gaz over the cocaine fields, thus hurt nearing fields in Ecuador.
So eventually we sat down and thought of ideas together, I had some ideas on the issue which seem to impress for some reason, of course all of my ideas were just things I picked up watching Law and order and such, but maybe they don't have these shows in Colombia.

Quotes of the week
Well, most of my conversations are in Spanish, so most of the jokes are make involve some sort of physical gesturing. These are few I do remember, not the best I had, but what I remember now.
1. Egyptian guy: In fact the Sudanese built pyramids before we did
Me: Hey don't steal the credit from us, We built the pyramids
2. Me: ยจ"I like my T shirts pink"
The real reason I don't separate my laundry


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