Where's my Head??

Published: June 28th 2005
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"I try to take on one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once."
It becomes overwhelming when you try to do a million things at once. I never thought I really had a problem with succeeding in that area, but here lately I haven't been able to do it. Maybe that's because I'm older and not such the spring chicken I use to be. The time is coming to an end, but the "to do list" seems to be getting longer. What's a girl to do??

Well today was my "despedida" with my family here in Chile. I have to start packing up my stuff tomorrow to move in with Marlene for my last month in Chile. Ema made home-made pizza and wine with grapefruit juice, and Jennie and I made some French-onion dip. Marlene came over and we sat around in the living room chit-chatting for a while. I liked the wine so much that I guess I had one glass too many cause I was feeling a little tipsy. "Everybody in house gettin' tipsy".......

When you hear "six-months" you think...wow that is a lot of time for a person to be gone. I never thought the time would fly by as fast as it has, and never thought it would be so hard to leave. Granted I still have one month left, but I am leaving the home of which was my home and the family of which took me in and became my family for five entire months. Maybe it's harder for me to leave Chile than it was for me to leave the States because I have no complete certainties that I am going to see these people that I have created such a great connection with. Maybe, and knowing me, I will find a way to make it back to Chile again in my lifetime- but will it be the same? That is a question that I don't know the answer to. But I do know that there is something about Latin America that makes me think....”WOW! Could this be somewhere I could spend my life?” Each country I have been to has been distinct in its own way: Costa Rica, Chile, and Argentina. I would have to say I'm a little biased when I think about the Latin American countries I have been to, because Chile will always be somewhere I refer to as home. It's been home for almost six months and it has changed me in so many ways. Do I think this is where I want to spend my life? I don't know the answer to that for sure. Tomorrows a new day and who knows what changes will be made in me for the duration of my last semester at Texas State (hopefully last semester). When I think about life so many things travel through my mind, many too serious to place in a travelblog, and others that I prefer to keep privately to myself.

I move in with Marlene this Wednesday, and the blogs, emails and chats may come to an end due to the fact that I will no longer have Internet. Then again, I may make it to a cyber cafe or to the International Center with my computer to email, chat, or make a few calls with Skype. We'll see when that time rolls around.

"Change has considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful, change is threatening because it means that things may get worse to the hopeful, change is encouraging because things may get better. To confident, change is inspiring because the challenge exists to make thing better."
--King Whitney, Jr.


28th June 2005

I like the qoute... very true! Be careful in your remaining month in Chili. I'll be praying for you. Make the last of it memorable. I'll be awaiting your return. Love ya cous'!
28th June 2005

Home is a ever changing word
I love the first quote...too true! Anyways, the thing is no, it will never be the same. I know in my heart I will return to Chile but you really can't go back. But that doesn't mean that when you return (perhaps with me?) that new memories won't be just as amazing as the ones you're making now. There is something special about living abroad, making a home and a life there. I know you get what I'm trying to say here. But one thing I've learned about coming home is that life changes so fast, you never know where you might be headed and sometimes you just have to relax into the ride. It all works out in the end! Or at least this is what I'm telling myself now! Love ya, mi nina!
29th June 2005

Ask for Help!
Hey girl! Yes, these past 5 months have flown by very quickly but that is just how it is everywhere. It seems like the more we learn and the more we mature, time slips right past us. There is no way for me to fully understand the way you feel, but I have a good idea. I understand it's hard for you to leave the family you have bonded with and shared things with, not knowing if you will ever see them again. But yes Mandy, knowing you, you will return to Chile. I can't promise you it will be the same. I would like to but I can't and I am sorry! You knew when you left to go to Chile that you would return in 5 months and see all of us again, so I understand how you feel about how it was easier to leave the States than it is to leave Chile. I wish it could be easier for you, but I know deep down that whatever you decide to do with your life, it is going to be great. Well girl, I miss you and can't wait to see you. Love you bunches. XOXOX
2nd July 2005

Take a Deep Breath
Take a deep breath Mandy. All you can do is take it one day at a time. You think time is flying by now.Wait till you get as Old as Your Mama It does'nt fly it JETS by. And this has been the longest 5 Months for me and your MeeMaw. There will always be changes in your life. You have done so much already. So take a Deep breath and Thank all you have accomplished. I Love You MOM

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