Santiago/ San Pedro de Atacama

Published: May 3rd 2008
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Asia was good, but South America has proven even better! We have been enjoying ourselves so much that the task of writing a blog has become more arduous. Detail will have to wait until our return! We spent around nine days in Santiago (not consecutive). This was not wholly down to an immedaite fondness for the city but that we loved our hostel so much. As for Santiago, we did the usual tour of... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 48, Displayed: 21



Water spurting out at around 85 deg C

Most expensive material second to silk
Lady making sopaipillasLady making sopaipillas
Lady making sopaipillas

Made with pumpkin dough

4th May 2008

pumkin head
i'm glad you've been enjoying yourselves in chile. it's too bad you didn't like valparaiso. i think it's the best city in chile, with its funky murals, winding alleys, crazy houses, and the "you never know what's around the next corner" feeling. but i guess it's not for everyone. by the way, the doughy food you ate is called sopaipillas, made with pumpkin dough. good with jam and tea. cheers, and enjoy the rest of your time in latin america.
4th May 2008

Point taken
I know what you are saying James, we heard a lot of good stuff from different people and from reading guidebooks it certainly appeared to be a must-do but witnessing a theft almost immediately put us on the back foot. From there on appreciating the sights was at the back of our minds. I traversed those same alleys but it was in an attempt to get the bugger who stole the camera! It could happen anywhere. Just one of those things! All the best James, thanks for the comment! Ryan

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