Blogs from Bolivia, South America - page 565


South America » Bolivia December 21st 2005

Election Time in Bolivia!!! The situation has all the ingredients to spark civil war. Bolivia is the second poorest country in the western hemisphere (only Haiti is poorer). The population is 70% indigenous but the minority whites (or mestizos) have ruled the country since its independence. Over the last eight years, however, Evo Morales, an indigenous coca farmer, has grown very popular with the masses. He has promised to legalize coca production and nationalize the country´s natural resources, all to the dismay of the Bolivian elite and United States. The US ambassador actually said the US might reduce or eliminate aid to Bolivia if Evo wins. That comment only exacerbated the growing anti-american sentiment in Bolivia and throughout Latinoamerica. Furthermore, Evo has a natural political affinity with Chavez, Fidel, and Lula de Silva, although he claims ... read more
Fresh Trout
My Australian Mates
Salar de Uyuni

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Salar de Uyuni December 18th 2005

Getting to Uyuni Its Saturday the day before the Bolivian National Election and a massive exodus takes place from my hostel in La Paz. Mid morning and chatting with the in-house tourist guy I find the last buses south to Uyuni are at midday not the evening as I thought. shit. Luckily the guy manages to book me onto one of the last buses leaving. I throw everything into my bag and dash to the bus station. For the election the entire country is being shutdown, nobody is allowed to travel or sell alcohol during the 24 hours of the election day. On the bus I get chatting to a couple of wacky Canadians who are upping sticks planning to buy land in Argentina build a shack and grow vegetables. They´ve arranged a tour of the ... read more
Salar de Uyuni - Getting There
Salar de Uyuni - Getting There
Salar de Uyuni - Day 1

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Yungas Road December 16th 2005

My first adventure in Bolivia was to cycle down the Death Road!!!!!!!!!! The Death Road is in the mountains outside of La Paz, its a narrow dirt track that runs from Chuspipata to Coroico. It was given the title of "The World's Most Dangerous Road" in 1995 and I´m betting still probably is. You see quite a few reefs laid by the roadside on the way down. The company is called "Downhill Madness". 8am we´re all bussed from central La Paz upto La Cumbre, a high Andes pass around 4670m. We select our bikes and then given safety training, not as silly as it sounds. The rear brake is on the right hand side and not the left as back home, a useful thing to know! Its bloody cold up here and we´re all wrapped in ... read more
The Death Road
The Death Road
The Death Road

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Tiwanaku December 15th 2005

The first thing to say is Bolivia easily my favourite place so far, an excellent place to travel and loads of fun. It exactly what I´m looking for when I come to these distant lands. Nothing entirely works as expected which makes getting around and doing things way more fun. There are loads of fantastic sights to see and great things to do, in the north is Amazonian Rain Forest, Andean Mountains run through the middle, Salt Plains and spectacular parks in the south, Deserts, Mines and as its a 3rd world country everything is dirt cheap. Could easily have stayed alot longer. La Paz, its claim to fame being its the highest capital city in the world at 3500m-4000m. The city is in a canyon which means the streets either go up or down. You ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Copacabana December 14th 2005

Hello all, Up early this morning (7am) to catch the 7.30am bus to the border between Peru and Bolivia. Bus dropped us a good bit before customs and we took a taxi up to the office. Got my passport stamped as exiting Peru and then had to walk up to the border (marked by a large stone archway) to cross. Once over, I had my passport stamped as entering Bolivia and was given a 30 day visa. It was raining and cold as we crossed the border. Took a cab to Copacabana which is a beautiful beachy/seaside resort on the edge of Lake Titicaca. Checked into our hotel and then went for lunch (delicious mushroom risotto) and a wander around. Capacabana is famous for the icon of the Virgin of Copacabana. There are religious artefacts everywhere ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz December 11th 2005

Day 28,29 and 30 We arrive in La Paz, the capital of Bolivia, around lunch time. While deciding what to do that afternoon we found out that there was a football match on at the local stadium. Not only that but it was a local derby between Bolivar (the Champions) and The Stongest. So we and a couple of the girls made our way by crazy taxi down to the ground. We got the best seats in the house for around 3 and a half quid. It ended 2 each and although the football wasn´t the greatest we had a really good time. Fot the next 2 days we spent out time wandering round the city and chilled out. Visting loads of markets one of which was a witches market, which was selling things like condor ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Copacabana December 9th 2005

The following morning it was up early again for the bus to Copacabana on the edge of Lake Titticaka. The bus was full of Gringo´s on this well establised tourist route. This short (4hr) bus ride was notable for two things. Firstly the unforgettable short ferry trip accross part of Lake Titicaka to the Copacabana peninsula where the passengers ´sped´ accross on a small boat whilst each bus went accross at a snail´s pace on what can only be described as flat bottomed wooden boxes. Secondly our first sign of a dodgy stomach - not really the best timing on a bus with no toilet although fortunately nothing too serious. From Copacabana we took a boat trip to Isla del Sol on perhaps the slowest motorised boat we´ve ever been on. The Isla is popular with ... read more
Inca Temple on Isla del Sol
Puno Floating Islands

Days 26 & 27 We headed off in 4x4 s to Solar de Uyuni - 12000 square kms of pure salt! It was amazing. Pure white salt against bright blue skies for as far as you could see. It used to be a lagoon but the water dried up so it's just salt that's left. It looked like ice. We stopped at a salt hotel where everything is made of salt - including the furniture and then stopped at a random island for lunch. We had an explore of the island (which is called Fish Island) which had plenty of cactus and lots of rocks. We headed to our 'hotel'which was in the middle of nowhere. Stuart played football with a couple of the guys and a couple of local lads then we chilled out. ... read more
Nothing but Salt
Us on Fish Island

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi December 7th 2005

Day 23 We arrived in Potosi midday and had a wander round. We are something like 3600 m above sea level so it's really hard to walk uphill as your heart is beating so fast due to the altitude! We had lunch and then went for a tour around the mint museum. Day 24 We were picked up in the morning for our trip to the mine. Basically Potosi is a mining town where the miners pay the government to work in the mine and whatever they find is theirs. The mine used to be rich in silver, but now it is other minerals they look for. We stopped off at the market to buy the miners some presents and headed to the mine. Firstly our tour guide showed us how the miners use dynamite to ... read more
Miners at work
The Rich Mountain
Pacha Mama

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz December 5th 2005

The self styled 'World's Most Dangerous Road' (WMDR) is a stretch of dirt 'road' from La Cumbre high above La Paz (4700m) down to Corioco (1200m) and is a notorious must do for travellers to this part of the world (recommendations from Marcus, Fionne, Kim, Ricky and multiple others). The trip with Barro Bikes started with a 07.30 breakfast where we unexpectedly met Kevin/Claire who had enjoyed the same bus journey as us from Uyuni to La Paz. We were also joined by Joe, a professional poker player from California. This was obviously a trip for risk takers. An hour's drive out of La Paz brought us to La Cumbre where we were introduced to our bikes which were in the same good condition as the one on display in the office, something we weren't pinning ... read more

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