Blogs from Bolivia, South America - page 510


South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Yungas Road August 31st 2006

Against my initial better judgement Ian persuaded me the best way to get to Rurrenabaque, the town through which Bolivia accesses the Amazon, was by cycling the first stretch down officially the worlds most dangerous road - a road which had in the last two weeks alone claimed over 40 lives with two busses going over the edge. We booked with the agency based out of previous hotel we´d stayed in and once more were presented with forms essentially saying that if we died as a result of negligence of the guides it would be our fault, we recognised we were forfeiting considerable rights, etc etc. We signed. We were told to be back a seven the next morning, ¨Don´t be late¨ I gave the chap a condescending glance, ¨We´re British, we´re never late¨ Arriving at ... read more
The landscape at the start
Getting through the clouds
Some of the group ahead

South America » Bolivia » Chuquisaca Department » Sucre August 30th 2006

We caught a flight from La Paz to Sucre on 26th August with the idea that we would spend some time doing more spanish lessons in Sucre. Becky and Tim were still there and we met with them. Sucre is an absolutely beautiful place. Very european looking and quite middle class for Bolivia. It houses one of the foremost universities in South America we were told. The majority of people are well dressed, the buildings are sparkling white (because there is a law which requires the buildings to be painted annually), all in all its beautiful. That is until you are unfortunate enough to catch someone pissing in the street! We saw quite alot of this. Men stand openly pissing into the road looking at you as you walk past, old ladies pull a Paula Radcliffe ... read more
A summary of our time in Sucre
Grow your own Mojito kit
Just in case we needed it...

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Yungas Road August 29th 2006

Arriving at La Paz at 7am after the worst bus journey in the world isnt everyones idea of fun and it wasnt ours either, however we dusted ourselves down hailed a taxi and headed for a hostel listed in the Lonely PLanet. After a quick clean up in luke warm showers we headed down into the town searching for a mountain bike tour of The Worlds Most Dangerous Road for the following day. After convincing Pickles that he would survive and it was probably just a myth that it was that dangerous etc we booked up a tour for the 4 of us and a Kiwi guide. It was only then that I started to read a few articles about this so called road of death on The Internet and the fear soon set in. After ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz August 29th 2006

Great cruise across Lake Titicaca in what turned out to be virtually our own private catamaran. Only one other guest - who by a strange coincidence was called Marianne, had red hair, sung alto in a choir and had two girls and a boy (although there the similarities stopped!) Sailed to a fantastic island (Island of the Sun) where supposedly the Incan religion was born. Marianne, Lauren, Marcus and Polly were blessed by a shaman - so expect to see the difference on their return (I´ve been watching, but haven´t seen any results yet). On to La Paz, a sprawling and busy city - every road seems to be a street market selling everything from "Abibas" and "Redock" training shoes to wedding cakes to avocados as large as melons. Noisy, sometimes smelly, but fun. Unfortunately a ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Beni Department » Rurrenabaque August 29th 2006

Nothing seems to be simple in South America as we found out when we arranged our trip to Rurrenabaque in the Amazon. Everything was sorted for the next morning, our flight was at 4pm in the afternoon and we were ready to chill out until then. However, after returning to our hostel that night we were informed that there would be a road block that will prevent us from getting to the airport unless we leave at 6am in the morning before it starts. We got to the airport early the following morning and said our goodbyes to Bim who was flying home ready to start his job as a young professional. After hanging around La Paz airport for most of the day Gareth, Turner and myself eventually boarded our tiny plane to Rurrenabaque. This plane ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz August 29th 2006

Firstly I must apologise if some of the details in this blog seem vague and slightly hazy, but it way by the request of many of the people we met inside the prison that they remain anonymous. The photos here are also only from the outside. This is also a much backdated blog due to the fact that we have been in some non internet accessible places. We actually went to the prison on the 11th of August. Getting Inside It was the day we arrived back from Huayna Potosi and we were in the pub celebrating with a large meal and a few pints, it was in this slightly tipsy state that the three of started talking about the prison and that we wanted to see it, up close and personal like. The prison used ... read more
Side view

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz August 28th 2006

On etait suposer aller visiter une saliere avant d'aller au Chilie. Deplus, aujourd'hui etait prevue pour trouver des Tintins et un dictionnaire, cependant, il va y avoir une greve de bus bientot... Jean-Pierre avait achete les billets pour demain matin 7h (12h de bus pour Iquique), mais lors de notre dejeuner, une dame a appele Gabriel pour savoir si on pouvait partir aujourd'hui, vue la greve... Bref, nous quittons a 13h pour arriver a 5h du matin, au moins on peut rester dans le bus jusqu'a 7h :) Tywa Moi meme de ma personne :)... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Yungas Road August 28th 2006

Throughout our travels through South America we have heard many stories of the world's most dangerous road in La Paz. The road is about 64km long - I'm not sure if you can really call it a road, mainly a small dirt/gravel track winding down a very steep mountain. It claims the lives of about 150 people a year and a record 350 a few years ago due to the single gravel track, 400m vertical drop and no barriers. This road simply isn't safe for any vehicle to travel up or down. So the first thing we did was arrange a mountain bike ride down this trecherous road. We decided to go with the highly recommended Gravity Downhill company not because their bikes were the best with excellent brakes but for the free t-shirt you get ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Potosí Department » Potosi August 28th 2006

We are currently in Potosi struggling for breath and suffering from severe altitude sickness. This isnt strictly true, we both had a slight headache for a few minutes in the night and Lucy got out of breath going uphill today. As I have never known Lucy not be out of breath going uphill I dont know how this has been interpreted as altitude sickness. However after consulting our guidebook we were pleased to discover the best thing to recover from our ´illness´ is to take it easy so we are using it as excuse to do very little. Walking in the street today we were overtaken by a massively overweight 4ft 6in old lady. I would have tried to overtake her back but her walking stick kept getting in the way and I didnt want to ... read more
Miner Anderson
Silly hat competition - Chutillos fiesta

As previously mentioned after arriving in the southern Bolivian town of Tupiza we booked a four day jeep tour of the Salt Lakes in Uyuni which proved to be absolutely brilliant and probably the best thing I have done on this trip so far. Awakening nice and early we were greeted by our guide Wilf and our cook for the 4 days Julia, who couldnt speak a word of english between them. Coupled with our appauling grasp of spanish this was surely to be an entertaining few days. The fun really began however when after no more than 10 minutes Leeroy realised he needed the toilet. Rather embarrassed by his weak bladder he finally asked Wilf to stop the van and told him he needed a piss. For the next 4 days whenever one of asked ... read more

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