Blogs from Salar de Uyuni, Potosí Department, Bolivia, South America - page 29


With the altitude being so high the air was pretty thin so we all slept terribly in our salt beds with no electricity! We headed off for the volcano that was behind the hostel at 7:30 and hiked up it to around 4200m. There was snow at the top and the air was so thin so breathing was pretty hard going! Getting to the peak you could view the different colours of the volcano and the views of the salt flat were unreal, it looked like a sea. After a few hours of hiking we headed back to the hostel to get lunch and load up the Jeep before leaving for the salt flat eyes. This is where the salt flat breathes and bubbles come from the earth and rise through small puddles in the salt. ... read more

We left the low and wet for the high and dry. From Bahia Inglesa, we traveled to the dusty town of San Pedro de Atacama, which sits in a bowl of a valley up against the Andes and the Bolivian border. We stayed there for several nights before heading across the border to Bolivia via a three day 4WD tour over the salt flats and high, really high, deserts of the altiplano. In San Pedro, we stayed at a crumby hostel, but one that let us cook dinners with our new friends Robin from Canada and Jun from England. For dinner each night, we had to choose between pasta or rice, with slight variations offered to us by the mercaditos in this small town. San Pedro is the only town we found in Chile where the ... read more
Valle de la Luna
Crossing the rio
Quebrada del Diablo

We rolled out of bed and waiting for our trek to start, it is a 4x4 tour of the salt flats. At 11am we set off and the 1st destination was a train graveyard, it was so strange but really cool. You could just jump from battered old train to another taking pictures along the way! Then we hit the road (or off road!) for half an hour or so where we hit the salt flat dessert. The views of this place are amazing, you can't see the horizon for salt, the reflections are blinding but you will never see anything like this! The sun was blasting down and we stopped for pictures and to take in where we were. From there we headed to Incahuasi, an island in the middle of the salt flat. It ... read more

9000 square kilometres of salt on the southern Altiplano of Bolivia... what more can be said? I think the photos say it all.... read more
More fun
The salt flats

Already in Peru, 2 weeks later I Am really behind. With Tova gone i´ll try to put things right... So we're talking +/- 1-3 to 5-3 2009. From here on it´s going to be a couple of weeks with Tova, which is now already back to Tel Aviv. For me it will be mostly places i´ve been to 4 years ago, when first visited Peru and Bolivia. But this did not make it less beautiful. So after San Pedro it was time for Bolivia, the lakes and the big salt lake, Salar de Uyuni. Altitude: 4900 meter to 3600. The big news, which was not allowed to be published, was Tova fainting, very much because of the height. This happened right after visiting some lakes, and getting to the bubbling geizers. Tova already felt week for ... read more
Laguna verde2
Laguna azul
Laguna Roja

Boy was that a tough tour. I´m so exhausted - think it´s the altitude. I blame everything on the altitude these days :-) The tour consisted of 2 jeeps, each with 5 tourists and 1 driver. In one jeep was a cook for the group of 10 (a lovely lady with few teeth, who insisted that vegetarian meal means french fries instead of meat). ------------------------- Day 1: We started the tour at 9am from Tupiza, and drove in the jeep until 5:30pm. And by drive I mean crawl over majorly bumpy ´roads´ (i mean cliffs). Slept at 4200m. (COLD!! It was -1 deg C and I didn´t have any winter clothes!) ------------------------ Day 2: Woke up at 4:30am since we were told we had a 12 hour jeep ride ahead of us. So, like an onion, ... read more
Uyuni Salar
Laguna Verde
P1000392 - Day 1 Jeep Tour Salt Flats - Lunch

fotos van onze 4 daagse trip in Bolivie Photos of our 4-day trip into Bolivia... read more

did i mention the films that you get on the buses here? well they're rubbish. a particularly non pleasing one was the film we we given for our viewing pleasure between santa cruz and uyuni. it was 6pm and the sun had set and we were in the middle of the andes, and there were small children still awake... so they put on the most gruesome psychological horror film they could find. i dont even know what it was, there were no subtitles and the sound was down, all you could really hear was the music. it was american i think. and involved some young adults going to a house in the middle of nowhere where a family of dead but alive folk did all sorts of wierd things to them and appeared from nowhere and ... read more
holly 106
holly 107
holly 108

Bolivia has been a total blast from start to finish. After leaving Copacabana we went to La Paz to meet up with our group. Everyone is really nice, the group includes brits, Americans, canadians, french canadians and south americans. La Paz was manic but in a great way. We walked about town and visited the witches market where you could pick up potions, charms and even llama foetuses. obviously we bought dozens! They are buried under new homes for good luck. and after leaving there we went to Cochabamba. There wasn´t much to do there but it was carnival time so went spent the three days there being pelted with water balloons left right and centre. They must get extra points for getting gringos! When dry, we spent the rest of our time drinking Bolivian red ... read more
Statue of Christ
 Soaked at Carnival
Last day of carnival

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