Nekonecna cesta/ Neverending jorney

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South America » Argentina
February 24th 2011
Published: March 6th 2011
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Dnes nas cakala cesta po znamej ceste Ruta 40, prechadzajuca celou Argentinou a na juhu vyhlasena zlym stavom a namahavym cestovanim po nej. Hned rano sme sa dozvedeli znepokojujuce spravy o tom, ze su na nej zavaly a je neprechodna. Autobus vsak prisiel, mi sme nastupili a vsetko vyzeralo v poriadku. Cela cesta bola krasne siroka, asfaltova a mi sme sa len cudovali odkial sa zobrali tie zle povesti o tejto ceste. Neskor ma Stanik upozornil na velku vodu na lavej strane nasho autousu a tvrdil ze to vyzera ako ocean. Ja som si bola ista ze to musi byt nejake velke jazero, Ruta 40 sa predsa k oceanu nepriblizuje ani nahodou. Neskor sme zastavili na benzinke a len tak so zvedavosti sa pozerali na mapu kde tak asi sme. Predavac na pumpe nam to ukazal - San Julian, mestecko na brehu Atlantiku. Zacali sme sa vypytovat ako je to mozne a zistili, ze Ruta 40 je naozaj nepriechodna a nasi sofery sa rozhodli ist inou cestu, len nam to nejako zabudli oznamit. V Patagonii nieje vela ciest a tak namiesto o 8 vecer kedy sme mali povodne dorazit sme do El Chaltenu prisli o 4.30 rano. Nastastie nas doviezli do nejakeho hotelu, kde sme mohli preckat do rana.

For today we were meant to travel on famous road called Ruta 40, running across whole Argentina and on the south well-known for its bad road condition. Right in the morning we hear some unsettling news about it being closed cos of landslides, but our bus turned up on time, we got on and everything seemed ok. The road was nice, wide nad asfalted, and we were just wondering why this bad reputation... Later Stan pointed out that there is something looking like the ocean on our left. I was sure that it must be just a big lake, Ruta 40 is not getting anywhere close to ocean. Later we stopped on a petrol station and just for fun where looking on a map, guessing where we could be. The employee of the petrol station showed us - we are in San Julian, a little town on a coast of the Atlantic. We started to ask how it this possible and found out. Ruta 40 was really closed so our drivers decided to take another way, just forgot to mention it to us. There are not many roads in Patagonia so instead at 8 pm where we originally should arrive to El Chalten we got there at 4.30 am... Fortunatelly they took us to a hotel, where we could wait till morning.

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