Blogs from Perito Moreno Glacier, Santa Cruz, Argentina, South America - page 14


A glacier is just a big ice cube.....a really big ice cube. So big, in fact, that until you´ve actually seen one, they are impossible to comprehend. The Perito Moreno is 20 stories high. That´s very tall indeed. When 20 stories of ice come crashing down in front of you, it really is quite something. We arrived at the glacier and viewed from a few different lookout points before hopping on a boat and heading on to the glacier itself. After donning our crampons, we head out on the glacier. Walking on ice requires a certain nack. I reckon Herman Munster would be pretty good at it as it´s all about feet up-feet down. No ankle flex, just small laborious strides making sure your ice studs get as much coverage as possible. We came across fantastic ... read more
Perito Moreno - From A Balcony
Perito Moreno - Me
Perito Moreno - Anna

We had made the journey and decided ahead of time that it would be a quick trip to El Calafate, an overly-touristy town, built to function as an attrative and comfortable "holding tank" for the scores of visitors to Patagonia who want to take the day trip to Perito Moreno Glacier. The number of backpackers as compared with the hoards of people bussed in on luxury double-decker busses, did not even compare. I can scoff at these tourists only because I long for their reclining seats and lust after their air conditioning...does this justify bitterness? El Calafate is the perfect example of a boom town that was built up from almost nothing only a short time ago. When walking its streets, I secretly gushed inside with joy. There were people drinking coffee-REAL coffee, not instant- at ... read more
Griff and Mandy in front of the Glacier and Ice Field
Larger than life

Well hello again. I´m currently in El Calafate, after a 27+ hour bus ride from Bariloche to Rio Gallegos, and then a 4 hour ride to El Calafate. But it wasn´t terrible. It is decently easy to amuse yourself for that long if you know in advance it will be that long. Plus, I had Scott with me, and the benefit of meeting Hugh, an Irish guy, as well as Cody and Sean, two American kids from Seattle. They´ve all been great to talk to, and Scott and I are sharing a hostel with Hugh while the other boys camp. On the bus they showed four movies - one bad film with the Rock; an equally bad film that I did watch called Shriek if you know what I did last Friday the 13th; Analyze That; ... read more
The bunny killers

there is really not an effective way to completely describe or capture the emansive and enormous barreling river of ice known as the perito moreno glacier. it commands respect. it's unbelievable big. imagine a tsunami's amount of fresh, chillingly cold, glacier water, thrusting with unparalleled power down from some of the highest and imposing peaks in the world...and then, with the snap of a finder, it gets suspended and froozen in its path - an invisible shield holding the glacier and all its power from crushing into the valley and lake below. that is the feeling when you look up at perito moreno. the thing's not really stopped. anyone who spends more than 5 minutes jaw gazing at the perito moreno will have the opportunity to hear the huge thunder-like claps of the glacier moving. ... read more
a close up
view from the front
lago argentino

Just some pictures of blue ice... BTW, I´m backdating these entries to the days we were there....I think!... read more
Perito Moreno Bluuuuueeeeee
Bluuuuueeeeee 2

Oh, boy…late again. Sorry for the slow updates folks, but I do have a couple of excuses. First, Villa la Angostura is so beautiful it´s hard to drag myself inside to sit in front of the computer. Our hostería sits right on the edge of lake Nahual Huapi which is surrounded by snow capped mountains. In fact, we basically haven´t been able to drag ourselves away from the hostería. All the excursions I had planned to San Martin de los Andes and other scenic towns in the area have basically been abandoned because it´s just too beautiful here. A bit like a high lake in the Rockies in Colorado, and the town of Villa la Angostura is pretty much a resort/ski town, but in a good kind of way. Or maybe kitsch just seems better in ... read more
Perito Moreno Glacier
Perito Moreno Glacier 2
Perito Moreno Glacier 3

okay, just time enough for a quick tease....... read more

Am Fritig am Morge bin ich zämme mit dr Daniela (Dütschland), dr Yolanda (Holland) und dr Misha (Tschechoslovakei) mit em Bus vo Puerto Natales witer nordwärts zrugg nach Argentinie nach El Calafate gfahre. Kenneglernt han ich die 3 zämme mit em Thomas und dr Ariane im Hostel Backpacker Magallania in Puerto Natales, bzw. uf em Camping im Torres del Paine Nationalpark. El Calafate liegt nur öbbe 300 bis 400 km nördlich, aber dr klimatischi Unterschied isch mindeschtens an däm Tag riesig gsi. Während es in Puerto Natales mit 15 Grad und Windgschwindigkeite bis 60km/h ziemlig frisch gsi isch, het me in El Calafate doch scho wieder in T-Shirt und kurze Hose könne uf d Stross go. Au sunscht isch dr Unterschied zwüsche däne beide Tourischteort riesig. Während Puerto Natales nur us Wällblächhüser bestoht, isch El Calafate ... read more
Perito Moreno
Perito Moreno
Perito Moreno

Hola I´m glad Januarys over, those dark, dreary nights! Only Kidding! Have had the best January, sorry to see it go.... Again, we have been inspired by the spectacular feats of nature. Perito Moreno Glacier, the biggest glacier I have ever seen. And we have had loads of fun too. Things we have done in El Calafate 1. Seen the Glacier We saw it from loads of different directions. The best being on a boat where we got so close. Huge chunks of ice kept breaking off too - lucky for us.. we were able to enjoy a stiff drink over glacial ice! 2. Went trekking up Cerro Frio 1000 metres high, with stunning views of the lake. Was a great trek with 2 girls from San Fran, who were very fast! Taught us loads about ... read more
falling ice

Hiya, I am having a grand ol' adventure here in Patagonia. The trip has got off to a great start. I left Ushiaia (Cape Horn) two days ago, and am now further North at El Calafate. Its higher up in the Andes and has some amazing glaciers cracking into huge mountain lakes. Will forward photos. This afternoon I tour the most infamous ´Peurto Moreno'´ Glacier. - 60 meters. I'm in a hostel for these 3 days, and it feels good not having to carry my larger rug-sack every day... phew! It took 30 hours Door-2-Door to get to Cape Horn. I was hoping to check out a trip to Antarctica, but the 8 days required exceeds my stay in Patagonia. It would have been deadly to make the trip all six continents. Meeting lots people, ... read more

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