Blogs from Misiones, Argentina, South America - page 13


South America » Argentina » Misiones » Posadas February 1st 2012

Day 109 Saturday 28th January We had once again overstayed a town by a day or two and could have easily scampered yesterday but we not only had the hotel booked but we also had a tour for tomorrow so we were sort of trapped. After breakfast we had another look over the town but of course discovered nothing had changed. The heat and humidity in this corner of the world is stifling and although Shelley copes with it really well, I just melt into a puddle. The heat soon got to me and I beat a hasty retreat back to the air conditioning in our hotel. Our room really is exceptional with huge glass doors that open onto a long balcony that overlooks the town and across the river to Paraguay. We spent ... read more
Saltos del Mocona
Saltos del Mocona
Saltos del Mocona

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Posadas January 28th 2012

Day 105 Tuesday 24th January To Paraguay or not that is today’s decision from Posadas we can get a day tour to the Jesuit missions just across the border, but the only problem is we need a visa. First thing this morning we went to the small Paraguay consulate two blocks from our hotel to investigate the costs and the procedures. The consulate was near the shops and just looked like a small house with a door near the footpath, and it was so nondescript that we actually passed it before we realised. There were no guards out the front and when we gingerly opened the door we were greeted by a young woman sitting behind a small desk. She couldn’t speak English and had to go out the back and get a guy ... read more
Santa Ana
Santa Ana

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Posadas January 24th 2012

Day 101 Friday 20th January I (Scott) had a really dodgy stomach all night, which is the first bad case I have had this trip so at least I waited till day 101. Woke up in the morning feeling like crap and felt even worse after breakfast of tea and stale croissants. Took a little while to get moving but I was determined that I wouldn’t let it stop us from doing things and today we had decided to take an excursion out of town. The lovely lady at the tourist information booth at the bus station had told us how we could get a public bus to the nearby town of Real de San Carlos so we headed off to the street corner where we were able to hail the bus. The journey ... read more
Colonia del Sacramento
Colonia del Sacramento
Colonia del Sacramento

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú January 1st 2012

There were a few reasons why I felt I had to come back to South America, mostly to do with visiting places that I wished I had seen last time around. Iguazú Falls was one of those destinations and it did not disappoint. I have never seen so much water thundering down and over such a vast area. It is a visual feast. There are somewhere in the vicinity of 175 waterfalls at Iguazú and many of them seem to be irrepressibly bursting through the lush greenery of the jungle when first viewed. Many years ago I went to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, but they now seem like a minor trickle when compared to the raging beauty of Iguazú. An added bonus at Iguazú is the walks you take to the various vantage points, as the ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú December 27th 2011

Aanschouw het vervolg.. De busrit naar de jungle (Rurrenabaque) was op zijn minst memorabel. We hebben vele afgronden gezien en vele brainbreakers tegemoet gekomen om uit te zoeken hoe alle voertuigen dezelfde smalle, gladde weg konden afleggen. Vooral 's nachts.. Laten we het bij 'memorabel' houden ;) Op de heenweg hebben we er 22u over gedaan met de bus en op de terugweg 35min met de (minimini)vlieger.. De eerste dag hebben we een rondvaart gemaakt op de rivier om dieren te spotten. We hebben schildpadden, ara's, verschillende soorten apen, krokodillen, roze dolfijnen en vele vele vogels gezien! 's Nachts gingen we opnieuw de rivier op om op zoek te gaan naar aligators en krokodillen. We hebben er vele gezien en ik heb zelfs een baby-versie vastgehouden!! De tweede dag zijn we op zoek gegaan naar anaconda's. ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park December 18th 2011

After a bit of a restless sleep I was up, showered and dressed by 8am ready for a hearty breakfast. I made my usual scrambled egg and fried Argentinian blood sausage on a couple of rounds of toast, as bread and pastries were all that was on offer yet again. I had become very partial to blood sausage and it was quite different to black pudding back in the UK. It was more moist than its British counterpart, and had more in it to hold it together... one of those foods that you could never get bored with. I had a cup of coffee to get me going and without a doubt Hostel Bamboo Mini had served the best cup of coffee I'd had in a while - strong, dark, hot and sweet. As I was ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú December 17th 2011

The sun was shining as I woke up this morning with the coach still rumbling along to road. Although I was sat in air-conditioned comfort, I could tell it was a beautifully warm day outside. We passed by huge pine forests that spread across the landscape as far as the eye could see in every direction. We crossed bridges over vast rivers and winding valleys, that cut through the forests and disappeared into the distance. I was a little surprised that there were so many pine trees in the area as they didn't feel like they should be native given we were so close to the amazon. It wasn't until I saw the piles of logs and stacks of timber in large open warehouses along the roadside, that I realised that these trees had been planted ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park November 20th 2011

Well, not poolside as I planned, it´s cloudy here today! I´m sure you´re feeling very sympathetic for me........ I´m heading to Sao Paolo tomorrow to get to the beach, north to Belo Horizonte to see Ana hopefully and then there´s another coastal town that has turtles so I´m hoping to go there and then to Rio. So here´s some pictures of the falls for you to while away a few minutes, love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... read more
Foz du Iguazu, Brazil
Foz du Iguazu, Brazil
Foz du Iguazu, Brazil

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Puerto Iguazú November 19th 2011

Wow wow wow!!! I feel so lucky, I have seen so many amazing things on this trip and today have just come back from the Iguazu Falls. But first to recap since I spoke to you last, I´ve just uploaded the whale and glacier pictures so I´m hopefully going to get up to date whilst I´ve got access to a fairly decent computer. So I headed to Bariloche and that is one of the most beautiful places I have been to, I think I could have found my place...... It´s in the Lake District of Argentina, huge lakes surrounded by mountains and the town turns into a ski resort in the winter. There has been a huge volcano errupting somewhere in Chile since I´ve been travelling and the ash has been affecting flights and visibility for ... read more
Last night in El Calafate
Last night in El Calafate
Heading to Bariloche

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Posadas November 9th 2011

Hello friends and family! I know its been a little while since our last blog entry but hopefully thats given the slow readers group a chance to catch up with our last three mega-entries. If you´d have sat me down before I left and said that I would write one blog entry of nearly four-thousand words, I would have given you a gentle slap on the face before wiping away the tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks. Anyway I diverge from the subject...where are we, what have we been doing and (probably my biggest question) what the hell are we doing here? The answers are simple; 1) Posadas, north-east Argentina 2) Trying to teach something resembling English to a mixture of 10, 11, 12 and 13 year olds, 3) I have know idea, and apparently ... read more
Lack of a park...mate drinking on the roadside
Outside our school
The best classroom in the school

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