Blogs from Chaco, Argentina, South America - page 2


South America » Argentina » Chaco » Resistencia July 19th 2008

Lørdag den 19 juli: Resistensia Klokken 9.00 ankomst til hotel, hvor vi får et firesengsrum. Vaskeriet har lukket, så vi får alligevel ikke vasket i dag. Hotellet ligger centralt. Om eftermiddagen besøger vi nogle af Lasse AFS bekendte i byen. Det er et ægtepar, der lever og ånder for Afs, og de viser os meget om de udvekslingsstudenter de har haft kontakt til. Om aftenen finder Lasse en fin lille restaurant med kunst på væggene. Der er mange tjenere, og en venlig hausfrau går rundt og taler og pusler om gæsterne, men så får vi også tre retter mad for 250 kr til fire personer. Det er lørdag aften. Kl 4 er der stadig en masse larm og trafikstøj uden for vores vinduer ... read more

South America » Argentina » Chaco » Resistencia March 10th 2008

This morning I arrive at Resistencia at 4:00 am to change bus to Clorinda. Resistencia station was a real dump with lots of dogs and potors and nothing else at this hour. Good thing that I was alert because the tiket indicated on bus company and the actural bus was from another company. The loading and unloading cost me about $5.00. When I got to Clorinda I scurvy back into the tiny bus ticket office and assemble my bike. Got directions to the counsulate and road there. I have been here two years ago. The process of the visa took only an hour and then I found my way to the main road to the frontier. Got across without any difficlties. The ride to the border was 5 kilo and then 45 kilo more to Asuncion. ... read more

South America » Argentina » Chaco February 9th 2008

As we crossed the Rio Paraguay, we became paranoid that our bus would not stop at Paraguayan customs for us to obtain an exit stamp, as we never had a clue if anybody in Paraguay actually listened to anything we said. Then after a bunch of stops, and many questions of how much more time it would take to arrive until we actually arrived at the joint customs area for both countries. Obtaining our exit stamp was fairly quick in simple, but obtaining our entry stamp was a bit more annoying, as we needed to hand over our passports to the Argentine border guard, who would then hand back our passports to our bus driver. Despite the annoyance of waiting outside of the bus and having to lug our backpacks in and out of the detection ... read more

South America » Argentina » Chaco » Resistencia October 26th 2007

well... I got in yesterday, and I´m leaving as soon as possible. All the hostels were closed, the hotel was expensive, the cabby overcharged me AND I got a rash from the cab seat... (ewwww).... and it is hot and there is nothing to do. Oh well. Actually, after I stopped spazing out and relaxed, I had a pretty good time. The main plaza is wonderful. I went to the art museum... which isn´t an art musuem but one weird guy´s collection of odd objects. But I can´t say the place wasn´t spectacular in it´s own way. There was lots of art, and sculpture (I guess this institute is responsible for the 100´s of statues on display all over the city), and whale bones, old fashioned rifles and guns, and wooden dutch shoes, and many fountains, ... read more
Its spring time...

South America » Argentina » Chaco » Resistencia September 9th 2007

Aller vers l'ouest depuis Puerto Iguazu... Nous avons repris donc le bus depuis Puerto Iguazu vers 21h, ce même jour où nous étions arrivés dans cette ville, ce même jour où nous avons visité les chutes, soit vendredi dernier, 7 septembre. Notre destination véritable était "le nord-ouest", mais nous étions incertains, selon les infos recueillies, du chemin que nous pourrions emprunter. Pour des voyageurs lisant ce blog, disons que nous voulions y aller au plus court, soit "Iguazu - Formosa - Embarcación - Pocitos". Cependant rien ne nous indiquait qu'il soit possible d'effectuer le tronçon "Formosa - Pocitos", et tous nous suggéraient d'aller à Salta (environ 26 heures de bus!). Nous avons choisi de prendre un bus qui s'arrêtait à une dizaine d'heures d'Iguazu, soit Resistencia, et de voir rendu là-bas les possibilités... Resistencia Cette ville ... read more
Mél et le barbu!
Petit bonhomme a soif!
Carte du nord de l'Argentine

South America » Argentina » Chaco » Resistencia December 1st 2006

So, we managed to stay about 4 nights in Salta because we were all enjoying it so much and we knew that we would all be going our own ways afterwards (sob!) we managed to have another drunken night out dancing ´til dawn and another day wandering round the shops and generally people watching while drinking tea with milk!! we also went up in a cable car to a great look out complete with man made waterfall. So as Polly, Mark and Marc headed south, Amy and i caught our first overnight bus in Argentina to Resistencia to break up our journey to Iguazu. The champagne and whiskey that had been rumourer on these busses never came but we were supplied with non inspiring cheese and ham sandwiches in three different shapes!! We arrived and managed ... read more

South America » Argentina » Chaco » Resistencia May 1st 2006

I didn't pick up any laxatives today as planned. I started feeling better on my own. ...Until I realized I'll be stuck in South America when Art School Confidential opens in US theatres! Ugh! Why is my life so terrible? Aside from the 400+ sculptures, there's not much to see here in Resistencia. Yet, for some reason, despite the constant overwhelming presence of car fumes and roaring mufflerless engines, I've in fact found myself relatively enchanted by this town. Maybe it's because some intersections here inexplicably look like Old Vegas. Or maybe because the man who single-handedly runs our lovably dumpy El Hotelito reminds me of a Spanish-speaking Charles Laughton. Or maybe it's all the labor protesting, but that doesn't really count because it's Labor Day today and that's what they do on Labor Da... read more
How to Get Lucky in Resistencia
Hats Off to Resistencia!

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