The Weekend

Published: June 19th 2010
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Well it has been a few days, I know the recent pics are kind of boring.

It´s my fault, but this being a 3 day weekend came as a suprise last night as I was leaving the small get together El Pasaje put on. I was saying ´see you on lunes´, and was reminded it would be tuesday.

So, three days off! I better go to the bedroom and shopping community and take some more pictures. Sunday is still in the air, maybe get with some people from Couch Surfing and go to the delta, or a huge swap meet type market only on sundays.

It´s been a bit routine this week going to school and studying in the afternoon. I feel I´m making headway, but it also feels like simply grasping for anything that gives me the stamina to go on. clarification: one day this week I was stammering and so not remembering anything, I went home and reviewed for 4 hours. Next day was a new teacher, not so patient in explaining things and talks faster than fire (something) ... This time after school more review and some better progress.

Anyway, finally last night on the way to the bar-party at 10:30pm, being late a bit and being 20 or more blocks away I picked a street, hailed a taxi and getting in gave the block i wanted and told him ´on this street.´ tresmil quinientos ... este calle. success!!! the quinientos was the real breakthrough. (3500 block, quinientos is 500)

I´m still about 3 years old in my speaking ability, maybe 4.

So, the plan was to walk there and taxi back. I ended up taxiing there and walking back. After leaving the bar, I came to a bus stop on a long bulevard that goes all the way, found a right bus number but didn´t have the right change. Walking in the right direction, stop at a kiosk (bars and mesh facing the street with a hole to pass purchased items and money) another breakthrough remembering the name for bus (colectivo) and gesturing my 10 peso note. I ask for m&ms but she not getting it till i use the spanish prounciation for m. kind of like emme. emme y emme. ¡¡ 5 pesos !! anyway she bringing me the change and the bus went by. 😞 So I keep walking in the right direction and never found another bus stop BUT the walk was good for me. I did find a Salsa place along the way, which i may go back to during the day and ask about lessons. oh, the kiosk lady didn´t give me any centavos (cents) so i still didn´t have the right change anyway.

Better get to tourista stuff...

BTW: I am looking for some help translating fútbol and (my) work terms if anyone has the time. They are not so interested in non traditional stuff at school.


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