Buenos Aires

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South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires » Buenos Aires
December 28th 2008
Published: December 29th 2008
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Buenos Aires is a fabulous city! In my opinion v like London and in Pearse´s -Paris but very European either way! It´s huge-made up of I suppose what you call districts-San Telmo -Palermo- Centro-Recoletta -and-La Boca. We stayed in Palermo- a really nice upmarket area with beautiful multiple parks -wide avenues- a zoo- botanic gardens Japanese gardens -Rose gardens. All the rich and beautiful people can be seen jogging -roller-blading -walking and cycling through the parks. They are beautiful people-how they do it I do not know with the amazing pastries -chocolate- ice-cream -not to mention the steak! Palermo Hollywood houses all the trendy bars and cool restuarants and is generally just a really cool hang out area. One thing I could not get used to is eating my dinner at mid-night which seems to be the trend over here-even on Monday night in Palermo-what do these people do for a living? Also clubs happen from 2am until maybe 7am-crazy stuff! La Cabrerra in Palermo has to be visited for steak-fantastic-but be warned they do not do "well done!"

We spent most of our time just walking around the different districts-so much to see! The subway is very efficient too. There are beautiful plazas to rest -hang out in-and people watch. One plaza-The Plaza del Mayo houses the beautiful pink "La Casa Rosada"- where Evita made her famous speeches and other wonderful historical buildings. The Recoletta cemetery was amazing to see-all these huge tombs, in which can you can still see the coffins-no one is buried underground here. One of these is the "Peron family" tomb which houses Evita´s body. With the huge Irish/Argentinian connection it wasnt surprising to see some Irish tombs-Fr Fahy´(who looked after a lot of the Irish who ended up in the slums or on the streets after the famine.) and Guilermo Brown- (a famous name here too) -among others.

We visited San Telmo also which hosts a great market on Sundays-such a great party atmosphere-tango on the street!

Some of our plans changed -such as going to Boca Juniors match and doing some tango lessons-due to Pearse having to get root canal done-the poor devil was in pain for a few days so he had to give in (glad it happened in BA ad not Bolivia!) We´ll have to return for another visit sometime!

Next stop-Iguazu falls on the Brailian border!

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