Blogs from Atlantis, Atlantic, Oceans and Seas - page 33


Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis December 6th 2010

Geo: 18.7679, -70.1617... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis November 1st 2010

Geo: 20.4816, 99.9383Its my turn to go for the breakfast again this morning and I am up and out about 06:00. Being a bit earlier than usual all of the monks are still wandering around collecting their alms. There seems to be a lot of very young, 10-13 year old, monks here at the moment and their alms bowls are nearly as big as they are. I am standing outside Kong Court just after 7:00 and the minibus arrives on the dot of 7:15. He only has 6 passengers today not the usual bus laod of 12+ that always used to be onboard so we have plenty of room. I sit up front in the comfy chair but as we are collecting the others the driver tells me that someone has specifically booked this seat and ... read more
Wild bird eggs waiting to be cooked in spring
Thai immigration at Mae Sai
Over the bridge to Burma

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis September 16th 2010

Geo: 47.1411, 9.52148 Yesterday we got up and had breakfast and headed for the bus. We took the bus up to Malbun, and then the ski lift up to the top of he mountain. The weather was partly cloudy and cool. We looked around and took some pics and then Stacy rode the lift down and I hiked down the trail to the lift. It was about a mile and a half, all downhill. Boy, my legs were burning by then. I guess I need some more time on my elliptical. We got up this morning, jazzed that our bartender the night before gave us directions to a laundrymat. We drove over to Buschs and after several trys we found a laundry for an apartment, but it was locked. We were dissappointed, but knew that we ... read more
The trail I hiked down
Stacy on the chairlift to the top of the mountain
Us at the top of the chairlift

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis September 14th 2010

Geo: 47.1415, 9.52154 We finally found a place to do some laundry. Stacy came up with the idea to try a campground. Sure enough, they had a washer and drier there. We had to wait for someone else to finish their wash and then put in ours. It took a while to figure out how to work the machines, but we did it. Hooray, no naked American tourists! We then walked around St. Moritz for a while and then headed for Samedan. It is smaller than St. Moritz and cheaper, but more authentic. This morning, we left Pontresina and headed over the Fluelapass to Liechtenstein. We are staying for 2 nights. Hopefully we can take the bus to Mulban and catch a ski lift to the top of the mountain for a great view of Liechtenstein. ... read more
Stacy and friend in Samedan
oldest house in Vaduz, rock part built in 1100
Stacy and I with castle in background

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis August 27th 2010

Geo: 43.34, 17.81I am Chinese. I was born Canadian. I discovered later in life that sangria flows through my body, and found my inner Spaniard. And now I've become ... Bosnian? Checking out of the hostel, I chatted with the receptionist (sadly, it was a guy, and not the beautiful girl), complimenting him on his incredible city, speaking of the vibrant cafe culture here, and how all I did yesterday was bounce from outdoor cafe to outdoor cafe. He chuckled "I think you are Bosnian. All young Bosnian men care about is having a few Euros in their pocket so that they can have a beer while sitting outside, looking at the women. As long as they can do that, they don't care if they have a job." I didn't have the heart to correct him ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis August 26th 2010

Geo: 43.8607, 18.4214Cafe culture - in my short time here, that's what I've found to be the most interesting and vibrant part of Sarajevo. That's not to say there isn't incredible history here, because there definitely is - it's just that this city offers even more than that. As far as I can tell, there definitely is a method to partaking in Bosnian Cafe Culture - here's a quick little primer I've put together:Step 1: Location - select the spot according to factors such as levels of shade and breeze (important in a hot country such as this), ambiance, comfort, price, and most importantly, views of the lovely Bosnian women. This final item is by far the most important factor.Step 2: Refreshment of choice - hot or cold. If hot, go to Step 2a, if cold, ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis August 25th 2010

Geo: 43.8607, 18.4214Dear Cruise Ship Tour Groups,Please get the f*ck out of my way. The Strandun in Dubrovnik is a massive pedestrian street with lots of room for everybody, so why must you all stand side-by-side, blocking the entire way? Do you not realize that some of you could stand off to the side, allowing people to pass? We are all here to enjoy the wonders of Dubrovnik, not to create a human roadblock, forcing others to ram their way through. This isn't a rugby scrum, after all. I know how beautiful the old town is, and how much you want to take picture after picture of it, to share its incredible sights with all your friends back home. I understand. But why the f*ck while taking photos, must you suddenly take three giant steps backward ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis August 22nd 2010

Geo: 42.4918, 18.7028Montenegro, specifically the town of Kotor, has inspired me to write a fairytale - a variation on "The Princess and the Pea", it will be entitled "The Princess Who Slept on a Giant Thumping Speaker". How exactly was I inspired to write this story? Well, last night was of course the biggest festival of the year in Kotor, Boka night - so the entire Stari Grad became one giant nightclub, with one of the busiest squares being right outside the hostel. There were at least 4 or 5 bars in the immediate vicinity. The windows had to be opened for air circulation, as it seems like the night time temperatures here don't drop below 25 C until 3 or 4 AM - but not like that really mattered, since the bass was pumping so ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis August 21st 2010

Geo: 42.4441, 18.7816How has Montenegro been so far? This music video sums it all up quite nicely - Hot 'n Fun! Though Budva is a confused kind of place, it still was loads of fun, despite the trashiness, tackiness, and infinite cheese. It seemingly hasn't decided on what it is yet - it's seemingly on its way to high-end resort town, but is stuck in this bizarre parallel universe of Russian kitsch. Nik described it best, saying it's the kind of plastic place where Russians go to show off what they have, but it's not truly a place for the wealthy - places like the French Riviera would be reserved for the richest of the rich. But of course, wealth is all relative - it's not like I have a porn yacht named Mint to call ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis August 20th 2010

Geo: 42.6542, 19.0242Up at 7 AM ... ugh ... early tour up to the Ostrog Monastery. The good thing about being up so early is that for once, it doesn't feel scorching hot here. At least, not until about 7:45, when the sun poked up over the mountain, and I started to feel like an ant under a magnifying glass. Once again, I was the only English-speaker on the tour bus but unfortunately for me today, there was no English translation. It was a long ride out to Ostrog, about two hours, followed by nearly three hours there. While nice, it was WAY too much time there ... especially being the guy following a tour that was completely done in Russian and Serbian. It would've been way too much time even had the tour been in ... read more

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