
August 2nd 2006
Published: August 15th 2006
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Hi Everyone

I'm well & truly into the swing of things - back at work, drumming & rowing. Only a couple of weeks until I jet off to Broome for 5 days - yeah for me - get another glimps of the sunshine before I rehibernate!

For those of you that have travelled this journey with me in bloggee land - you'll be interested to know that I managed to regress into the state of 'stupid unmechanical bike chick' the day after I arrived home. As highly evolved beings we're meant to learn from our previous mistakes and move on. However in my defense I was heavily 'lagged' - I decided it was time to reassemble Cabra Loca back to her rightful state. On completion - I was quite chuffed that I managed to assemble her in record time - I noted however that the front wheel wasn't spinning very well. I fiddled & poked around wondering where the problem was - I stepped back had a good hard look - banged my head with my palm and then against the closest wall.... you guessed it - I managed to put the front forks on backward - again!

I took well over 1,000 photo's so I won't bore you with them all! I've put some of my favourite photo's in the "Gallery" but I've also posted some here because they require some explanations and I've also added some photo's to my previous entries.

San Sebastian Senoritas
5 ladies & their dog were enjoying a very pleasant warm evening when the big fat lady just plonked herself right in the middle of them. I think the look on their faces says it all. The poor dog is almost completely out of the picture, both physically & metaphorically. It was a truly amusing sight - I went back the following evening - & there they all were sitting in exactly the same places, with very similar expressions😊

Sanchez Breakfast
One of the staples of the Sanchez family breakfast is mushed up tomato & oil on bread with finely sliced jamon (hamon - like proscuito).....yum

Champagne Wheat
Have you ever stopped to listen to wheat?
It sounds like a freshly corked bottle of champagne.
It gently hisses like a quiet celebration.

Every summer thousands of white storks fly north from Africa. Many of them find themselves in Navarra, La Roija & Castilla y Leon. They make these HUGE nests in every imaginable high 'place' - tops of chimney stacks, church steeples, atop town halls & devises like the one pictured (I've got no idea what this structure was? It was along side a bridge in Logrono) You can hear the clacking of their bills and gentle squawking throughout the towns as they happily make their homes above. Apparently they love to live near people (as opposed to their black bretheren who are shy retiring types and escape to the wilderness) and the towns people let them be for the summer.

Cool Dude of Astorga
Now the young lads of Spain were sartorially competent - however this window dressing just plain freaked me out! What's with the two pairs of jeans? And why the goatee & mo in texta colour, not to mention the rest of the ensemble?

Typical Lunch
Lunch was typically a simple affair - bread, tomatoes, soft cheese, pate, a dried/cured meat thingy, and the most delicious canned olives - in fact - I could have just had can after can - at 29c a can it was tempting - but I didn't want to ruin too much of a good thing - as honestly the food wasn't all that great.

Post Fiesta
My timing just wasn't all that fantastic. I always seem to be arriving into a village the day after a fiesta - evident by the glass & streamers paving the road (by the way - did I mention that I didn't get one flat tyre!!!!). Or I arrived into town a day or so before the fiesta.

Head Swinger
Here's a photo of the head swinger lighting the beast that is the incense burner in the Santiago Cathedral. (It makes me giggle just thinking about it!) Now's he's the dude that's got full responsibility over how straight this big fecker swings (did I mention that it's the biggest incense burner in the world?) If it were a ritual carried out here in Australia - OH&S would be onto it in a snap & ban the practice altogether - such is the danger of it's trajectory! (oh joy of joys.... I found some video footage of it on the net!!! - you can see the crimson robed swingers to the left of screen pulling on the rope controlling how low/high the burner goes & who it maims. I can't find evidence of any deaths, however it's the Catholic Church after all & they're good at covering things like that up!

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


26th August 2006

Very impressive
Well Ange I am very impressed with the scenery and the beauty of Spain. Thank you. However I have to say, you are one amazing individual completing this trip and with plenty of hiliarious commentary along the way!!! You are an inspiration!! Will Broome be this eventful??? Megs

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