Blogs from Rakiura National Park, Stewart Island, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania


Da ich die letzte Geschichte ja mit diesem so furchtbar unerträglichen Cliffhangar beendet habe, kann ich durchaus verstehen, dass ihr in der Zwischenzeit möglicherweise unruhig geschlafen habt, von gelegentlichen Schweißausbrüchen heimgesucht worden seid oder beunruhigendes, wenn nicht gar epileptisches Herzrasen bekommen habt. Da steht er nun, der Backpacker, und man ist sich ungewiss, ob sich sein Pfad dort in der Pampa Neuseelands nun doch noch mit einer barmherzigen Seele kreuzt, die ganz zufälligerweise einen Platz im Auto, in der Kutsche oder auf dem Traktor an ihn entbähren kann. Nun zu unserem Protagonisten: Nach einigem Bangen und einer quälenden Ungewissheit hält ein Auto mit zwei deutschen Touristen an und sagen in wackeligem Englisch, dass ich armes Würstchen hier im Nirgendwo doch verrotten würde und nehmen mich deshalb freundlich in ihrem Auto auf und riski... read more
Die wilde Küste von Southland.
Schulbushaltestelle in Colac Bay.
Windgepeitschte Bäume in Orepuki - so windig ist es dort.

Max and I decided to go for the 125 km Northwest Circuit track on Stewart in Rakiura National Park in an effort to come across the Brown kiwi. We were told there was a good chance we would see one. Others told us only 10% of those who do this tramp actually get to see a kiwi. On the third day we heard some rustling and a big heafty kiwi took off, but only Max really got a good look at it. I was beginning to lose hope that I would actually see one. Other trampers were making it sound like the kiwi were out in flocks, but even at night during prime foraging hours, I had no luck. One morning, on the beginning of a long day, I heard something off the trail and sure ... read more
Brown kiwi 2
East Ruggedy Mountains

Jan. 28, 2011 - Bungaree Hut An early start, for what promises to be an epic tramp. South, off the tip of New Zealand's South Island lies Stewart Island. This is our next destination. We rise at 6:00 in order to make it to the small southernmost town of Bluff in time to catch the 8:00 ferry. The crossing takes about one hour. We had nice calm seas, and before long arrive in Halfmoon Bay in the only town on the island, Oban. We check in briefly with DOC, and we're tramping by 10:00. The terrain of Stewart Island is not overly difficult, although the mud can be quite substantial (sometimes over waist deep). The real difficulty lies in the tramp's length, which clocks in at roughly 80 miles. This makes for some pretty long days. ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 2
Photo 3

Hello all, this is the first blog now that I am away! Well I survived the 3 day and 4 change flight! Although I very nearly didn't get to begin my adventures. My flight from Heathrow, was delayed and then the ciaos of LA airport resulted in my name being called and me running for the plane with everyone sat on the plane waiting for me oops! I am staying with my friend in Ashburton for 10 days in New Zealand before flying onto LA. It should be summer here, but unfortunately its been a little overcast with only one day of glorious sun so far! New Zealand is like the UK 50 years ago with quaint villages and restaurants that close at 9pm! I have joined a 5 day tour around the south of the ... read more

Voor degenen die graag nog wat foto's willen zien heb ik fotos toegevoegd in het zelfde google album: Ik hoop dat jullie ze mooi vinden, zo niet nodig ik jullie van harte uit om zelf een keer hierheen te komen en me te verbeteren!... read more

With a slightly sore head after a few too many "bulmers" last night I made my way down to the warf (pier) this morning to head out searching for oysters with Jack and his crew for the day. It was a beautiful morning, with the sun casting lovely colors over halfmoon bay. I popped down to the warf and wandered about for a few minutes before the boat, the Nikita arrived. I noticed a crate of Speights beer sitting wrapped up on the warf, which seemed strange. I didn't think something like that would survive very long on it's own out in the open around here! The Nikita arrived in shortly and thankfully Jack was on board, so I knew I was in the right place at the right time. I'd mentioned in the bar a ... read more

I'm back after 4 days in the wilderness, chocolate in one hand and coffee in the other as I write's a juggling act I swear! Things didn't really start according to plan on Tuesday morning. Monday night was a nice surprise though! I decided to treat myself to some take away from the pub and ended up chatting to some friendly fishermen as I was waiting on my cod to be cooked. I was going to make some pasta to go with it. Anyway, I was chatting to the fishermen, who were their for a 2 day competition and the waitress from the hotel arrived in with my little bag of hot fish. The fisherman realised I was there to get some food and offered me a free ticket to the HUGE buffet that was ... read more
Facing the weather at Masons Bay
Masons Bay
Sunset at Masons

Rakiura Track - Stewart Island (36km - 3 days, 2 nights) ** Apologies for the lack of photos with this entry, it's explained in day 3 ** Rakiura Track - Day 1 This was my second attempt at "tramping" a national past-time here in New Zealand and it didn't disappoint! I was a lot more relaxed about heading out this time on my over night adventure, possibly a little too relaxed. This tramp would be different thought, for the first time, I had company! At first the thought of spending long hours climbing hills and possibly being hungry and grumpy with a stranger was a little off putting but once Carmen and I got started, I knew things would be ok. I had mentioned in the backpackers the day before that I was going to do ... read more
A tidal crossing
Funky coloured sea weed
Inside an old mill part...

Jumped on a water taxi for the short trip over to Ulva Island, another refuge island where native birds are protected and wildlife is flourishing. Got chatting to Kevin from the US on the warf (pier) at Golden Bay, which was a little further from Halfmoon Bay than I thought. Thankfully things don't run on time like they do on the mainland!! The majority of the island is a reserve, home to numerous native birds including weka, the stewart island robin, Kaka, Karakiki, Saddleback, Riflemen etc. I decided to visit sydney bay to start and had my first encounter with weka. I took a wander down the sand, and found some foot prints. I was too busy taking pictures of the prints that I almost missed the weka poking about in the sea weed! He was ... read more
Sydney Bay
Weka footprints

Stewart Island 14th - 18th March 2009 Stewart Island is very remote and beautiful. We visited Ulva island which is a pest-free island (don't know how Rob was allowed on there!) where the birdlife is prolific. We caught a water taxi there and spent over 4 hours walking around watching the birds and enjoying the beaches. The next day we went kayaking along the Paterson Inlet, just the two of us. It was the first time we had been on kayaks on our own and the first time we had a kayak each, rather than a double one. It was great fun. We stopped on a little beach and did some photos for Mothers' Day cards we were sending. My best day was the third day when we caught another water taxi which took us to ... read more
Ulva Island
Ulva Island
Ulva Island

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