Hot Water Beach

Published: March 23rd 2016
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A strong wind buffeted the motorhome all night. It was quite pleasant as it reminded me of the slow rocking motion of a hammock. The kids had the double bed over the drivers cab and we had the king size at the rear of the motorhome. Everyone woke feeling much more spritely after a good night's sleep, so a hearty breakfast of porridge, toast and hot cross buns was in order. Cas took her coffee out to the beach, the warm wind buffeting her hair like they do in pop videos.
Then we set off for the Coromandel Penisula in search of the famous hot water beach. The scenery is like a sunny Lake District only with slightly more pointed hills and the occasional giant fern is a reminder that this is place was cut off from humans for so long that it still has animals surving from the time of Gondwanaland and the dinosaurs.
We nipped into a little bakery on the way and got some lovely fresh loaves and cappuchinos, which pleased Cas no end.
We arrived at Hot Water Beach holiday park around 11.00 and Ed and Hat were in their element: full sized two person go-carts to pedal around the site, a pjaygrounnd and other kids to play games with. The pattern is probably going to alternate from a night at a DOC site (great views, free, no amenities) and a night at a holiday park (amenities, wifi and paid).
Low tide was 2.10 pm, so around 1.30 we took the ten minute amble to hot water beach, along with our rented spade. There were a lot of people milling about and digging assorted sandpits between two rocks on the beach, which were set about 40 feet apart. We finally found a pool where the water was warm, we dug out feet in and Cas gave a slight shriek as it was quite hot! Hot water rises up under this section of beach and it's accessible at low tide, at other times the fierce Pacific waves prevent all but the foolhardy. Ed and Hat spent ages building sand mounds to prevent the occasional wave filling up their warm pool.
We also took the opportunity to catch up on our accumulation of washing and to sort out the motorhome so that it was all organised for the rest of the three week road trip. The communal cooking was also an interesting experience.


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