Blogs from Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 8


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Tauranga November 26th 2009

Familiar faces, the smell of eggs and sun burn!!! Its funny we spent less time on the plane between Fiji and New Zealand than we did in the bus getting from Auckland airport to Tauranga. I mean we’d heard the roads weren’t great and their “motor ways” are well not even duel carriageways, but we didn’t really think we would be sitting down for so long. We had got on two buses, the first we were hurried onto at airport after asking the lady at the stop if she could just confirm something for us…”hey you two, British people, this bus is yours” even though the one we were due to get wasn’t for another hour, we’d just arrived early to ask and check. So we got on anyway and confused the driver with our reservation ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Tauranga November 15th 2009

We left San Francisco on Thursday the 12th, and when we got to the airport around 3p, we found out our flight to L.A. had been canceled. After waiting in a line for awhile, and talking to a United agent for an hour, we got booked on a flight to Sydney at 10:40p that arrived around 8am, then a flight to Auckland around 1:30p or so. The flight to Sydney was alright. We mostly slept the whole time -- even me! The entertainment system was broken, so for 16 hours the only thing to watch was our flight progress. Our flight to Auckland on Air New Zealand was really nice. Personal screens, shepherd's pie and ice cream for lunch! All this on a 3.5 hour flight! When we finally got into Auckland , we booked a ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Tauranga November 15th 2009

Enjoying the Sunshine back in Tauranga Hello folks! For the past two weeks we have been hanging out in Tauranga with our friends from Germany, Chile and US. We have been learning a lot about each others country and even trying to learn how to speak Spanish and German! We even learned how to cricket and quickly learned that the game never ends. One day last week, we all headed to McLaren Falls which is south of Tauranga. It was a good day had by all! We also climbed the Mount again and this time it was much quicker! We all decided to pick kiwifruit flowers for a local contractor here in town. We finally started on Tuesday Nov.10. At the end of each day you weight in and then get paid by the kilo. ... read more
Climbing the Mount #2
McLaren Falls
Us at Waterfall

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Tauranga November 14th 2009

Did you know that they only have roll-on deodorant in New Zealand? I have been searching for a regular stick for over a week now and have found nothing. I finally caved and bought some roll-on this week but I am not happy about it. LA and I spent the last 5 days in a Tourist/Surf town called Whangamata that is located on the Cormandel Peninsula on the East Coast of NZ. We had spent a couple days in Auckland last weekend(which is a massive and pretty cool city by the way) before heading down the Coast. We had plans of doing some surfing this week but the conditions were junk, so we spent our days doing other things on the Peninsula. We also worked out a deal where we could stay for free at a ... read more
Wentworth Valley Falls.
Gemstone Bay.
Cathedral Cove.

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Tauranga November 11th 2009

Oh mein Gott, bald ist Weihnachten - und wir sind noch gaaaar nicht im Weihnachtsfieber...... read more
spazieren in den "red woods" bei Rotorua
Rotorua wie es dampft und stinkt (sorry, es stinkt wirklich)
jaaa fast oben!

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Tauranga September 5th 2009

Der September started - nun seit sieben Jahren mit einem Paukenschlag, Tim's Geburtstag. In diesem Jahr soll's mal kein gewoehnlicher Geburtstagsrummel werden, sondern eine Uebernachtung... halleluja. Drei Chaoten hat er eingeladen zu einem Gruselgespenstergeburtstag, gleich am Freitag an seinem Geburtstag. Tage und Naechte vorher waren natuerlich schon schlaflos - fuer alle von uns. Gut, Freitag gegen vier nachmittags, der Spass beginnt. Los geht's mit Fledermauskuchenessen - kann man sich auch schenken, die Jungs sind so aufgeregt und kriegen kaum einen Bissen runter, lieber spielen... ach ja, ab sieben sind die Maedels tabu, Boys only! Nach dem Kuchen gibt's eine Runde Geschenke auspacken und ausprobieren, danach ruft Mama (zur Wahrung der Ruhe) zum Geisterbastelwettbewerb - die Jungs kleistern, pappen, malen und reden reden reden ueber ihre genialen Geister (wie sie stinken und schl... read more
Auf die Plaetze ...
... fertig los!
... und durch mit Anlauf

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Tauranga August 9th 2009

So, der Winter singt sein Abschiedslied. Vorbei die Zeit der kalten Fuesse und dampfenden Teetassen - Schluss mit drinnen hocken. Zeit fuer neue Abenteuer und wieder mehr Photos! Bitte erschreckt nicht ueber Linus Haare - er hat beschlossen, sie lang wachsen zu lassen. Neuseelaendische Schuettelfrisur wie sein Idol hier in der Schule. Ich kann's nicht aendern...aber Linus ist happy damit!... read more
Buddelsaison eroeffnet
endlich wieder im Sand wuehlen...

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Tauranga July 15th 2009

10th July, 2009. Going Home What a day (a very long one at that), up early, out to Riverside in Los Angeles to pick up the RV (had been at Richardsons Service Dept for a few warranty fixes), then back into the city to drop the RV off at the shippers, bit more to it than that as we had to secure everything for shipment, including removing the microwave and electrical appliances as USA voltage is 110 compared to our 240. Gifted the appliances to the people at the shippers and finally headed off to the airport at 3pm. LAX airport is just like all others, a great place to spend some time (like 5 minutes), we were there for 8 hours, amused ourselves reading and sitting on our butts. All aboard at 11pm and lift ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Plenty » Tauranga July 4th 2009

Der Juli startet gleich mit einem Hoehepunkt - Tim darf auf der Buehne in einem Kindermusical mitspielen. Wochenlang haben die ersten und zweiten Klassen der Schule geprobt und die Familien Kostueme genaeht, jetzt am ersten und zweiten Juli ist der grosse Auftritt. Frueh sind Kindergaerten eingeladen und Abends die Familien und Freunde. Klar lassen wir uns das nicht entgehen! Das Musical heisst "the Lorax" und handelt davon, dass man mit der Natur behutsam umgehen soll, damit sie erhalten bleibt (so im Groben). Tim spielt einen der "herum summenden Fische"... ... read more
Linus' neues Haustier (nicht ferngesteuert, diesmal ganz echt)
Tim hat ein Krabbeltier (und trotzdem die Hosen voll...)

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