Blogs from Bay of Islands, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 21


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands » Paihia November 29th 2010

Saturday 20th November We caught our Magic Bus early in the morning and proceeded to haul to the coastal town of Paihia situated in the Bay of Islands area In the most Northern point of NZ. We had our breakfast stop at Otangarei on route and kind of just took the scenery in all the way to Paihai. It was around 2pm when we arrived at Paihai and immediately we fell in love with the place. The sun was shining bright and the beaches and coastal waters looked amazing. There are lots of small Islands dotted around the coast here with the town of Russell visible across the bay. It’s a gorgeous little town and some of the houses up on the steep sides of the hills are stunning. We arranged our trip for tomorrow which ... read more
Auckland - Marina
Auckland from our room yha

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands » Russell November 11th 2010

Day 7 Tuesday Breakfast on Peter and Jenny’s balcony in the sunshine. Morning in Russell, went to the oldest church in New Zealand and the museum, then drove over to the start of a footpath that took us to Whangamumu harbour. This actually turned out to be a 5 mile hike up a mountain and down the other side but boy was it worth it! We ended up in a small bay where there were about 10 dolphins swimming up and down right near the shore. We sat there for ages and watched them - magical! Memorable moment today in Russell. Went into a charity internet cafe run by volunteers to post our blog. The man in charge must have been in his 70’s, had great difficulty transferring our photos from the smart card to a ... read more
Flipper jetty

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands » Kerikeri November 11th 2010

After a shortened sleep doing last minute packing the night before, and then being a little too relaxed about airport check in times, the first part of the trip was a missed flight. Note to self for future trips when taking a bike: Arrive at the airport with plenty of time to pack it into the bike box. I now have a bad perception of Air New Zealand, although with hindsight I can see how they need to stick to their check in time policy. My travel companion, Ben, who is also a work buddy, was already checked in and they had to find his bike box to get it off the plane. How that was any different to putting my bike on the plane I don't we asked them repeatedly and tried to pull ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands » Russell November 8th 2010

Day 4 Saturday Woke at 5.30 - not like me but I guess a bit of jet lag has kicked in. Lovely day, the sun is shining on Auckland so it was time to explore. Walked up to the Sky Tower entrance, 328m, (1,076 feet). Not sure I was brave enough, too high, too thin, too many windows and a floor made of glass!!!! But I did go up and after a few trembly minutes ... wow what a view! 360o view of Auckland in all its glory, well worth the wobbly knees and sweaty palms. Stayed up there for ages and watched several jumpers who fell passed the window at regular intervals. Quiet afternoon in a park, early night methinks! Thought for the day: Why is Auckland full of decorated Christmas trees at the beginning ... read more
mini-our little plane
mini-Auckland bridge from sky tower

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands » Kerikeri November 1st 2010

Be warned, this entry is not so much a ‘travel’ blog, but more a documentation of the 10 days I spent back in New Zealand visiting my two Kiwi mates, Mikey and Jace, who were sharing their 40th birthdays together. It will be very much along the lines of my Australia blog, which was more about catching up with mates and having a few beers than ticking boxes from the Lonely Planet! The plane touched down in Auckland on the 19th September at about 23:15 and Mikey had kindly said he would pick me up and take me to my destination for the next 10 day, Kerikeri, in the Bay of Islands. I walked through arrivals and looked around for Mikey. Being so late and with very few people around, I struggled to locate Mikey. There ... read more
'Taps' Bay
'Taps' Bay

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands » Paihia October 20th 2010

We finally made it (sort of). We landed Wednesday Morning at the Bay of Islands, New Zealand (Tuesday for you Americans, as we are a day ahead). Hard to believe that 28 days have gone by since we got on the ship. But I look out and there it - the “Land of the Long White Cloud” as the native Maori’s named it. 8 am and 59 degrees out. We are not used to this. Two days ago it was 85 and we were lying on the beach. It is the middle of spring here. There summer does not really start until December. Hard to believe we are so close to our daughter but will not see her for 48 hours. We have the day here in the towns of Pahia and Russell and will be ... read more
Our favorite spot on ship
Our room

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands October 17th 2010

Summer of 2010. Dean was the seasoned rider and Shelley the novice. We set off on a 2 day trip from Whangarei, taking the back roads to Kaikohe, past Kerikeri to stay the night in Mangonui. Next day was another back roads journey up the east coast, through Kaitaia and back down through Opua and home to Whangarei. Great weather and great riding! ... read more
Ferry to Rawene
Broadwood Store

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands » Paihia October 16th 2010

Hello, for those of you still wondering we have only just stopped smelling of burnt matches! though some might say that's an improvement on phils usual smell!! From Rotorua we headed west to Waitomo. We stayed at a great place called Woodlyn Park, they have some rather interesting accomodation there including a converted boat, trains, hobbit holes and a Bristol bomber plane. Of course we had to stay in the plane in the cockpit section, and yes we did climb into the seats and play with the controls and steering wheel etc. The farm also hosts the Billy Black NZ culture show which entertained phil alot with a moon walking pig and live sheep sheering etc. Obveously the real reason for being there was to go caving in the glowworm caves which was excellent. We did ... read more
the cockpit
waitomo caves
raglan train

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands » Paihia October 15th 2010

Once we had done our food shop and (successfully) got petrol, we headed up north about 4 hours from Auckland to an area called The Bay of Islands (BOI) and the coastal town of Pahia. Scott did the driving and took to it like a duck to water, quickly getting used to driving a large automatic vehicle and overtaking slow drivers, made easier by the fact that in NZ they drive on the left like at home. After getting out of the city and onto the quieter roads we soon saw that the country actually did have more sheep than people! On the way to BOI we passed through a town called Whangerei which looked pretty sweet and they even had a place called Sheep World which was full of bright pink sheep! Very strange. On ... read more
Pod of dolphins following us
Us on one of the many islands
Scott in wetsuit

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Bay of Islands » Paihia September 9th 2010

The delightful sound of seagulls running up and down the roof of the campervan woke us from our slumber on Thursday 2nd September in Russell. As we opened the doors to let in the light from the overcast skies, we saw that our camping area had become an aviary! Ducks, seagulls and some nondescript, small brown birds had gathered round the van, probably drawn in by the delicious aromas of the sizzling bacon Rachel was preparing for my breakfast sandwiches. After a very short ferry crossing from Russell (a peninsula) to Paihia, we were at the gateway to the Bay of Islands, a very popular destination for tourists in the north of New Zealand. The Bay of Islands are a scattering of 144 islands off the east coast, varying in size, some are deserted and some ... read more
Large Maori Canoe
Rachel and a Tree

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