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December 9th 2006
Published: July 3rd 2008
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Takapuna 01Takapuna 01Takapuna 01

The view from Takapuna Beach
I had been to New Zealand before, long story which I might blog about some other time, so I had somewhat of an idea of what the place was like. After an uneventful 10 hr flight from Los Angeles I arrived in NZ. I thought NZ Customs might hassle me a bit because they had the previous time. Relatively young age, shaggy hair, and traveling alone fits some sort of profile? Guess having shorter hair this time saved me the hassle. I had booked a shuttle(which actually turned out to be a large van) that was going to drop me off right at the hotel I was staying at, but the online site I had booked it with, just prior to leaving, crashed after I had booked it, so wasn't entirely sure it booked my info. Thought that might be a problem, but the driver, a Maori woman, didn't ask anyone for booking details when everyone boarded, just took their word for it. Don't think that would ever happen in the States. Didn't want to get a ride without possibly paying tho so told the driver and she checked with the office who confirmed yea the booking had gone thro.
I ended up staying on the Northshore in Takapuna . After checking in and taking a much needed shower, Maria, the "local" kiwi girl who had encouraged me to visit NZ again, stopped by and we walked around Takapuna a bit and had a late lunch at this steakhouse that served half cooked steaks on super hot stones. The idea is to finish cooking it to your taste. It was decent but if I'm going to cook it myself, it should be cheaper then normal? After that took a walk along Takapuna Beach, which is somewhat of a trendy place and where model Rachel Hunter, former wife of Rod Stewart, is from.


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