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August 16th 2008
Published: August 16th 2008
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This week I seem to have caught the cold that is going around this "cold" season.
It really only consists of a cough and is much easier to handle while laying in the sun than while brushing snow off my car.

I saw my first lizard this week.
By saw I mean I almost stepped on his little head as I walked down the footpath (sidewalk).
He was just a little guy so I was happy to see him rather than being afraid.

It is small things like that that keep reminding me I am in OZ.
When I see a parrot on my walk to work it reminds me how lucky I am to be here.
The first time I see a huntsman spider or a brown snake I am sure I will change my tune, but for now the wildlife is keeping me happy.

This week the mother of the child I work with noticed him saying "Oh Ya" all the time...then she noticed that he sounded exactly like me and has started to adopt my twangy canadian accent. So while I attempt to put words like "reckon, mate, and how ya goin" into my vocabulary, he gets more and more canadian.

This weekend we are heading back to Brisbane. We may be seeing a band that is in town for Ekka which I would enjoy as the music scene in the Sunny Coast is lacking.

The new word for today is "Dag" My friends and I tend to use this word when speaking in relation to our English friend Jess who is always impecably dressed.
So we would say "I am going to look like a Dag next to Jess"
and here is another one
This means sick.
So with my cold this week people have been saying "do you still feel crook?"
The first time I heard it I had to make my friend spell it out cuz I thought he was saying "do you feel crunk?" which is somesort of ganagsta talk at home that I believe means drunk.

Well that is all.
Next week I go to Sydney so I should have something of more substance to chatter on about.


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