Journey to Canarvon

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May 7th 2010
Published: May 7th 2010
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We arrived in Kalbarri in the middle of the afternoon and stopped at the Anchorage Caravan Park straight across the road from the river. Dad and I went fishing down the front. First dad caught a tiny little bream and then I caught a rock cod which was edible.
Next morning I did lots of maths and other schoolwork while dad rode off to look for tyres for the bus. When dad came back the weather was very sunny and hot and I was still doing schoolwork . Dad really wanted a swim but mum said “It’s too sunny just now, we’ll have to wait ‘till later on. After lunch I’d finished school so I played Lego on the mat in the shade.
Today I had another adventure, we went to the gorges and went across rocks. There were beautiful rocks, pale rocks and all different kinds of rocks. The water was as green as paint and you could see the lines between all the other different shades and light. I saw a swan family, heaps of different kinds of tracks in the sand and an egret. Mum and Dad had to piggyback me because we walked so far down in the gorge. But when I found the track back I was the first one to run to the top.
Then we drove off, a long, long drive, all the way to Canarvon. When I first got out of the bus there was a big, big jetty - 1 mile long, but we didn’t walk all the way to the end, and we didn’t catch any fish either, but we did see a squid and we got the squid jig out and nearly caught it. When the squid grabbed onto the hooks it squirted out a little bit on ink. Then we just walked back and had dinner. Now we are camped near Pelican Point.
Tomorrow we are going to the markets. Dad will busk.

(PS - I (Bianca) accidently deleted all the comments people had sent before Jasper had a chance to read them. I clicked the accept button and thought that this meant they would be published on the web page like Charlies used to be. Jasper and I are both devastated, so could everyone PLEASE, PLEASE write lots of comments again. (about his story, sprouts, wombats, different recollections you have of the same place etc) Maybe you have the text saved and could just resend it?...

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


7th May 2010

A squid, a whale, homework, gorge, catching fish and a I and Mrs Spider get thrill when we read your blog; and we check each day to see what new as been added. Mrs Spider's children can't read so we tell them all about your adventures. The fire that was threatening their home has been extinguished. I have just install a new 50 inch TV for sito; 42 inch TV was just too small to watch Desperate Housewife. I now have the 'old' 42 inch TV upstairs where I can watch Geelong in peace. School is as per usual.........stressless and fun at times. After Carnavon soon you will be at Monkey Mia where the dolphins are getting their clear waters a bit muddied with sewage......ugh !! I cant wait to read your adventure with the dolphins. i miss you and I know sito misses you a lot. We love you.......pass on some to mommy and daddy..........amo and mrs spider
7th May 2010

Lost Comment?
Hello!! did you lose my comment about your story? I will try and remember what I said. I said that I loved it! and I wish that I had a super bug to tell me where to go! (But it would have to be a little ladybug because I don't really like big crawly bugs) I hope you write lots more stories, you are so imaginative! It looks like it's nice and warm up there, it's getting very cold at night in Fremantle, time to put my uggies on. Love you!! x Lexie
7th May 2010

great photos :)
that termite mound is twice as big as you!! They do get bigger than that, wait and see! How'd the busking go dad? (in Carnarvon!??)
8th May 2010

Big banana
Great to see you have got to sunny Carnarvon. It sounds like you are doing lots of fishing. I'm going fishing this afternoon so i might have to save a picture to boast about my catch! I can't see any way of resending my earlier comments. Jasper did you see the big banana? I didn't notice it when we last went through Carnarvon so it might have shifted. You should be able to stock up on fresh produce before heading out. There is also a great fish place out at the small boat harbour. There used to be an excellent fresh fish outlet there to (only for out of luck fisherman) I'moff to the Broome markets now, to get my nice coffee and some fresh veges. Safe travelling.
8th May 2010

Hi Family, I've been wondering where the comments were because I knew there were plenty sent - puzzled solved.I have been reading your blogs every day, Jasper, its beut to see the photos and follow your trip. Send us a photo of Mum and Dad too.Are you doing a bit of bird watching? Bianca - wombats?? Love to all Nornie and Pop Art
9th May 2010

I've been to Kalbarri too.
Hey Jasper, I love your stories. You've had so many adventures. I can remember visiting some of the places you have seen...the prison at port Gregory, Dongara, Kalbarri and the gorges and Carnarvon. That is such a lonnngggg drive. I'm glad you're enjoying your trip. I also hope you keep catching fish. I'm looking forward to your next blog. Terry
11th May 2010

Love reading your blogs!
Hi Jasper, Sorry. I have only just discovered all your blogs. I have worked backwards from the most current and caught up with all the wonderful things you have been doing. Wait till I show my kids (Jordan and Jemma) tomorrow. They will all love reading them. Mrs Beaton was away from school today, but I will show your class tomorrow aswell. Keep up all the hard work and have continue to have lots of advenures. I am very jealous. You have seen some different sights to us. We did not go to Quobba, Kalbarri or Port Gregory. It is good to do different things and have your own special places. All the best, I will keep in touch regularly from now on. I promise. Mrs Schmidt
14th May 2010

Year 1/2 Class
Hi Jasper Loved your stories and your photos. Looks like you and mum and dad are having an absolute ball. Hope your having not too good a time because we all want you back. Keep writing on your blog because we want to know what you are up to. Mrs Beaton says, "Jasper, I am most impressed with your writing." Big hi to your mum and dad. Good to be in touch at last. We will write another blog entry soon. Love from all your friends in Year One and Two

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