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May 5th 2010
Published: May 5th 2010
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20th May 2010

very interesting
I was in the middle of writing you a little note and like your mommy I accidentally push a button which was obviously the wrong thing to do; and it disappeared. Unlike your mommy I don't drink funny smelling colourless liquid. I still get a thrill from reading your very interesting. Of course not having gone further than Kalbarri, my interest is increased. Have you learnt the chemical symbols sent in previous mail. Today I have 2 unusual symbols for your to take on board; they dont follow the norm.......sodium = Na and potassium = K. Will tell you why these symbols were chosen when we next meet. I am at school now but my first class is in 1 hours time. Next 2 weeks I have no classes as my students are doing exams. We then get a long weekend. Not a bad career this teaching caper. I look forward to your next ''chapter''. Seen any whales ewe [find incorrect word !!!]; love to mom/dad

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