South West 2023

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December 9th 2023
Published: December 9th 2023
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Saturday 9th December

We had seen what we thought was kangaroo poo on the grass near our van and we were delighted this morning to have breakfast visitors, a mother and joey came right up to the van, fortunately Tippy was inside, they seemed used to people and not at all scared when we walked pretty close to take some photos, nice to see.

In keeping with our lazy week we heading into Walpole town, such as it is, to pick up a few bits of groceries. The Information Centre was nice and the people really friendly, I couldn't resist buying another cap for my collection. All sorts of walks and hikes are the thing down here but not for these cookies. We headed back to the van which is parked in such a lovely spot we just didn't want to move today.

I spent a bit of time playing with my camera and various lenses, the 25/105 is definitely a better everyday lens than the 25/50, with just that bit more range it makes a huge difference. On the map we got at the information center I can see that the water we are looking at from our van is an inlet open to the ocean, this would explain the wind which picked up later in the day making sitting outside impossible, we had to bring in the awning which was in danger of heading over the top of the van, but we still had the view even from inside the van.

The sun was glinting on the water and making some great shadow shots possible, I am so loving getting back into my camera forgot how much I missed it, although I have not had the tripod out on this trip so far, ah well still had fun.

We are glad we are leaving tomorrow as about 3pm as two buses of high school boys, followed by a trailer of rowing boats arrived. They have been out on the water rowing late this afternoon and it looks like they will be here all day tomorrow. I had to request that one of the teachers speak to the boys in the units directly in front of our van as we had heard very loud F and C words coming out and we have two small kids on the site next door and I do not want to listen to that either, he apologized and said he would speak with them. It is the week end and our peace has been shattered, now I know why we do not travel in school holidays.

Heading back north tomorrow to Kojannup then home.

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


12th December 2023

peace shattered
gosh I cant wait to hear more about this trip on sunday

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