Blogs from Perth, Western Australia, Australia, Oceania - page 175


Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City April 12th 2006

Hi All I am probably the only person in the world who would have an travelblog entry about the planning of the trip rather than the actaul taking of it. However I just thought I would explain that our big trip around the world does not start until November. I was just so excited about the trip and I wanted to be able to share our adventures with all our friends and family that I decided to set up this blog 9 months early. So do not expect any more enteries until later this year. As we know more dear reader so will you... Bubbles... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Joondalup April 9th 2006

Hi Guys, We've done a bit of sightseeing since the last entry but we have mostly been looking for work. Dannelle's boyfriend Chris took us on a tour on friday. We visited Kings Park which gives of the most spectacular views of Perth as you can see from our photos it blues skies all the way. They also play movies in the park in the evening on a big out door cinema screen, sadly its closed at the moment but i'd really love to do that, its not like a drive in or anything, I believe you have deckchairs to sit on. I'm really keen to get up there one sunset with the Pentax. We then went on to Visit Cottesloe its a beautiful beach, I've never seen the sand look so gold and the sea ... read more
Perth from Kings Park
Kings Park Monument
Claire and Chris

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth April 9th 2006

Eine knappe Woche bin ich schon hier in unserem Haus, das wir uns vor ein paar Wochen ausgesucht haben. Hab's nicht ganz so gross in Erinnerung gehabt. Aber macht wahrscheinlich die komplette Leere aus. Als wir's angeschaut haben, war's ja noch moebliert. Und jetzt sitz ich da mit der Notausstattung, die mir Steve und Sonja geborgt haben. Eine 'comfy-chair', 3x Besteck, Pfanne, Toepfe und ein paar Glaeser und Becher. Alles was man halt so braucht. Ein Tisch ist ja noch dageblieben und der gehoert zum Haus, aber wir sind dabei, den loszuwerden. Hat alles gut geklappt mit dem Vertrag. Nach der Uebergabe und der Kopie von 21 (!!) Schluesseln (keine Ahnung wofuer die sind, aber erhoeht das Risiko des Verlierens natuerlich ungemein!!), bin ich mit meinen Koffern, Schachteln und Taschen hier eingezogen. 'Zeugs' hab ich ja ... read more
Blick in d Garten
mehr vom Kaminzimmer

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City April 7th 2006

Weeks 3-4 (24th March - 7th April 2006) Although it seems a tradition to name your vehicle when travelling so that you can call it names if it breaks down, our truck is still un-named! We have already had one suggestion of calling it 'Roly' which seems quite apt as the thing has more roll than a hotdog vendor when cornering at speed. This of course never happens when Claire is driving (guess who's writing this blog at the moment??). Any further suggestions to the name of the beast will be much appreciated - it's chunky, heavy on it's feet, not too good looking, is a bit bouncy on bumpy ground and grunts a bit when put under strain! One suggestion from the diveclub will be ignored however......we're not calling it 'Moose' ! ! ! Anyway, ... read more
Lake Clifton
End of the pier show.
Busselton Pier

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Perth City April 7th 2006

Hello, Welcome to my webpage, I hope to update this for each country I visit, but we'll see how it goes, and whether Sally can be bothered finding the internet everywhere (I would of course update every day but Sally won't let me). On Sunday we fly to Melbourne, and then on Tuesday we leave for Santiago, Chile. I should probably return to supervising Sally's packing now - I think I need to remove half of the stuff she's going to take. Sock-puppets travel with a lot less. Oh well, I'm not the one who has to carry it. If she doesn't hurry up she'll be late to her going away party. I'll keep in touch, from some new and exciting place. Goodbye Perth, Sehrusaan... read more
Sally and I practice for Mexico
I'm so cool.

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth April 6th 2006

And so the journey began... Perth - Sydney After being in a total state of denial for so long I think it finally sunk in on take-off from home that I don't know when I will be looking back down on little Perth again. I didn't want to become a blubbering wreck on the plane though so pulled it together with only a few quiet tears gently consoled by the two leopard-skin clad women I was sitting between (don't ask) So even though I dont know when I will get back to the Island - this is just one big holiday and I am taking the long way home. L.A Airport I dont know what it is about me but I was swabbed for bomb residue, scanned, shoes removed and inspected (at which point i was ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth April 5th 2006

Our camper van extravaganza began in Broome where we quickly picked up the lingo including “throw a few prawns on the barbie”, as well as “streuth” and “bonza”, but the winning line was “flaming galaa”. We were greeted with extra humid weather with blue skies, which cunningly disguised what was in store for us…. After a chance listening to the radio we heard a murmur about a cyclone forming off the coast of Broome. After a suitable R&R, we decided to escape and head west from the oncoming CYCLONE GLENDA. We were soon laughing at our agility….but this was short lived as the cyclone followed us down the coast! Our escape options were severely restricted and with no path east or west we headed south into the Outback…to arrive at TOM PRICE the highest town in ... read more
Look out!
Cyclone Glenda hits!!!
What's the red stuff?

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Joondalup April 4th 2006

HI Guys Well we have made it out of Asia, after three days continuous travel from Koh Phangan and a few close shaves. We almost missed our connecting flight out of Singapore because Claire was too busy duty free shopping. We had to run the entire length of the airport but we made it with 2 minutes to spare, opps. We arrived in Perth at about 1 in the morning and were expecting to have hassle when going through customs, having to provide proof our savings and stating how long we were going to stay in order to get our holiday work visa. It turned out that no one there cared and they were more interested in if we were smuggling chickens into the country. There is a definite bird flu crack down going on worldwide. ... read more
Me and some Abo Tramp outside the Swan bell tower
Claire taking Photo's from the Swan Bell tower
Swan Bell Tower

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth March 26th 2006

Perth! Perth is very shiney and awesome. The hostel is in the suburbs, but it's only a 10 minute walk to the centre of the city. 3 Free buses around Perth city are cool for looking around. Had a wander around today, it's amazing how quickly you can move from highrises to wide open parkland. Nice views to be had everywhere. London court is funny to look at in all it's modern-Elizabethan glory. I'll take my camera out tomorrow and gets some initial pics of the city. I can already see this will be a great place to stay for a while if i can find a place to call home. Bye!... read more
Sunset on the rocks
Freo maritime museum
H.M.A.S Ovens

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth March 26th 2006

Mal was Neues aus Australien! Katharina ist ja schon eine Woche in Österreich, das heisst eine von Dreien haben wir schon! Katharina ist ziemlich busy ‚back home’! Arbeit, Wohnung malen (lassen), Auto verkaufen, Coaching Training und daneben noch Freunde und Familie besuchen und treffen. Mein Wochenplan klingt nicht ganz so vielfältig, kann mich aber nicht beklagen, dass ich truebsalblasend zu Hause sitze. Schoen langsam bekomm ich den Ueberblick ueber Algerien und unsere Blöcke dort. Werd sicher genug zu tun haben im naechsten Jahr! Hab aber schon den ersten Urlaub eingereicht! Ja, und das obwohl ich grad mal Recht auf 1,31 Tage habe. Aber bis Weihnachten sollte ich die Tage ja zusammenhaben. Weihnachten ist ja noch weit, aber wir haben schon die Tickets eingekauft. Mehrfach wurde uns erzaehlt, dass die Tickets relativ schnell ausgebucht sind und wir ... read more
ziemlich viel Segel!
zum Glueck sieht mich keiner mit Bier in der Hand!
zum Schluss ein Barbie, was sonst!

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