Colbo is the place to be!

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February 17th 2008
Published: February 17th 2008
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I still love it here.

Everyone has been getting on, and it's chilled out.

Ollie has left, which has made me sad :o( I shall miss his obsession with Tim Tams!

But he has a ticket for V festival in Melbourne on April 5th, as do Heather and I, so that's great! We'll see him there. Hopefully Clare, Mike and Simone will get tickets also.

Speaking of Simone, it's her birthday soon and we're off into Bendigo for the night, which should be fun! We went to Bendigo recently for a big night, on Feb 2nd and it was amazing! Had a great time. Since then, not been out, but we've had a few shindigs at our house, usually impromptu (which are the best!)

The mosquitoes are crazy here, I'm covered in bites, grrrr!

I've been tipping for the last week (scraping oven dried tomatoes into Eurobins) and tomorrow I'm washing which is basically putting all the dirty tomato trays into a big dish washer and stacking them when they come out....

The weird thing is, and we all agree, is that we're actually having fun! It's so great to be living with so many cool, chilled out ppl and just having ppl around to hang out with!

Our supervisor, Raph, is actually hanging out with us now which is so cool, she's become a really good friend and definitely somebody I'll stay in touch with! It's nice to actually have some proper aussie friends, seeing as everyone I've met has been a British/German/Irish/Swedish backpacker!

One thing I've learned is not to be so judgemental...I was always brought up to think that factory jobs were rubbish, and something you fell into if you couldn't do better....but there is SO much more goes on that people realise, and I work with some funny, intelligent, smart and entertaining people. It's so nice to go home and be able to switch off at the end of the night, and not worry about marking coursework or planning lessons!!!

What else have we been doing....

We've been to the pub for dinner one night, which was nice. Except that the locals here get totally over-excited to see an unfamiliar female and hang around all night (harmless old men, just wanting to talk to us all). One of the locals found a discarded bike and brought it up to us in his ute.

We had our day off on Friday...we went to Bendigo (Heather, Simone, Gillian, Daphne and I). We just mooched around, kept bumping into Renee from work! It was nice to be able to get there since we haven't been out much since the van broke....we have a car now, a blue one. It's not brand new but is lovely to drive. I can't believe I've been driving other ppls vehicles over here....I mean, I would be too scared to do that at home!

The people here in Colbinabbin are just so's so small town. The lady in the shop gave us her phone number in case we ever need to ask her to get us anything special in, and also she'll stay open late for us if we let her know we can't make it there by closing time. The lady (Marian) in the pub is the same, really friendly and as soon as you walk in, she's there with your favourite drink all good to go. It's kind of how I imagine Britain was years ago, when neighbours knew each others' names and chatted over the garden fence. It's that sort of community. I like it. Couldn't live here forever, but for now I'm happy.

I know I'm off travelling again in 6 weeks or so, so right now I'm just enjoying everyday, watching the beautiful red sunset over the field at night.

This really is the life.

I feel more relaxed than I ever have done in my whole 28 years.

This really is the life. Can't ask for more :o)


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