Noosa Heads to Hervey bay

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November 29th 2006
Published: December 29th 2006
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WOW it's been a while since we have updated our blog!

After leaving Noosa Heads we ended up in a community called Rainbow Beach. The town itself is nothing special, a few tourist shops, some very expensive groceries and over priced crap that people call souvenirs. Inskip Point National Park is the attraction. We originally ended up in Rainbow beach because a few of the other backpackers that we had met suggested that we go there because it was a nice place. We drove the 70km out of our way on the off hand chance that it would be worth the trip. When we got there we hummed and hawed about where we would stay and finally settled on a NP campground 13km north of the town. We weren’t to sure of the place cause it didn’t have water, or any of the other amenities that you would expect from place that you had to pay for. But when we got there we where completely blown away. Having a 4x4 we where able to get right down to the beach and camp on this little sand hill that overlooked the ocean, gave us just enough sea breeze to keep the
Rainbow BeachRainbow BeachRainbow Beach

Inskip Point campgrounds. Our most beautiful campsite so far!
sand flies off, and keep us cool. Most of Australia requires that you buy a $35 permit to drive your car on the beach, and for this reason we had not gone out to test out beach driving. This place however, had enough local pressure, we guess, to keep beach driving free, so we had to test it out. It is really a rush!!! To get down to the beach you have to drive through pretty deep soft sand (for our little car) before getting on the nice hard packed wet sand where you do you actual driving. We just ended up cruising up and down the beach for about 45 min before deciding to head back to camp. Just before getting to the paved road I found one last small stretch of sand that I wanted to drive through, yeah, that is the picture of the 9 guys helping to push us out of the soft, HOT sand. Poor guys practically burned their feet off doing it!

Anyway, I could go on and on about Inskip Point but the gist of the story is that we ended up loving it there and spend 4 days 3 nights instead
Rainbow BeachRainbow BeachRainbow Beach

I was a little hesitant to driving on the beach but Ashley talked me into it...and everything was going great until...
of just the 1. After that experience it will be one heck of a camp site that would even come close to topping it!

After the Inskip Point campsite we had a couple days to kill before heading up to Hervey Bay (pronounced Harvey) to do one of the paid tours that we had booked. Not really knowing where to go we ended up in Tiaro, or just outside of it, in a nice little campsite by the Marry river. This had to have been one of the very few fresh water bodies of water that we have seen in Australia, and not only that, it actually had some current to it. Not much, but there was a hint of flow going on! Needless to say the 25C water was a welcome relief and we spend most of our 2 days at the Mary River Campsite floating in the water.

The Mary River campsite was by far our most up close and personal experience with wildlife that were actually in the wild. While we were there we saw two green tree frogs in the toilet bowl, a koala in a tree, three Tiny Frog Beaked owls, and a
Rainbow BeachRainbow BeachRainbow Beach

we got stuck! going back to our tent, we had the option of driving on the paved road or the DEEP soft sand, well, guess which one ashley chose...
snake that dropped out of the tree that Elnaz and I where relaxing under having a beer. This was a little disconcerting, while we where minding our own business, enjoying a beer and watching the river go by, a green snake (harmless) fell, splat, out of the tree and then just lay there on the ground with his head held high, waving around and puffing up his ‘neck’. He had to have been there for about an hour before finally slithering back to the tree and starting his slow climb back up into the branches. Slow only because I don’t think he wanted to draw attention to himself, because at one point he moved with such lightning speed he could have easily been moving at about a normal humans running speed.

Anyway, some pretty interesting camping experiences, two places right close together that we’ll probably never forget!

Additional photos below
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Mary River Campsite.

Beautiful sunset at the Mary River.

Green Tree Frogs in the toilet!!! Yummmm...

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