arrived in darwin

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January 12th 2007
Published: January 23rd 2007
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train station waiting roomtrain station waiting roomtrain station waiting room

stan getting to used to travelling first class
Hi everyone

Thought we had better update our blogg and let everyone at home know we are both ok. We travelled from Malaysia to Singapore by train and that was an ordeal in itself. the trip should have taken 10 hours but took 18 hours cos the train kept breaking down. however us being snobs had booked first class so at least we had our own cabin and beds to sleep in (not bad for £20) beats british rail. flight over to oz was good and we arrived in Darwin in the early hours of the morning so had to hang around airport until 6am until town woke up. then got taxi to our hostel, well i thought i had been sent to prison we open the door to our cell 6ft by 10ft no windows and nothing but bed and dirt. Well we said we were going to rough it and this was as rough as i was going to get. even had to phone lisa to moan. well the town was a ghost town nothing to do expect watch the drunks and the local red necks and aboriginal people fight in the streets, well not fight but shouting.
government buildinggovernment buildinggovernment building

well this is the highlight of Darwin
so we were counting down the days until we left only good thing was food. we got flight from there to alice springs where we were to spend 4 days. we were met by the hostel mini bus and that was a good sign really friendly. the hostel was good very clean and friendly, however the town was a bit of a dump but we were only there so we could go to ayres rock, we had a great trip out to the rock and a really lovely day. Stan was really upset cos the climb was shut and he wanted to do it. i was upset cos it was shut and i had no insurance out on him and if you see the climb you will understand why photo is taken. and terry if you read this we think you are mad for doing the climb in the first place ha. Anyway we must admit we did judge australia by the first two places we visited and we thought we could not wait to get away from oz and move on to our next destination. next destination in oz carins.

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prison cell darwinprison cell darwin
prison cell darwin

they call this a hostel well we would notcall it that.
ayres rockayres rock
ayres rock

we were sat eating our bbq while watching sun go down over aryres rock
ayres rock climbayres rock climb
ayres rock climb

the white bit is the climb 6 people approx yr. die doing this climb

3rd February 2007

OMG I can't believe the state of that hostel room - I dont know how you guys coped! Hope you are both well and will talk to you soon....lots of love xxx
20th February 2007

Hi lor How are you sounds as thugh you are having a fab time. Patsi and I are here at work in the miserable weather. I cannot complain as i have just come back from south Africa , was meant to be India but could not get on flights. Hope to hear from you soon Jo and Patsi

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