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March 9th 2006
Published: March 9th 2006
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Yellow-Eyed PenguinYellow-Eyed PenguinYellow-Eyed Penguin

How did I get in here? The penguin isn't in a cage; he somehow got into a garden area that is fenced in.
Hey All. Gary here. Michelle wants me to make sure I sign in so you know who's writing. And yes Mom, we're getting your comments.

Anyhoo, for anyone who's wondering, I did not hurl myself out of a perfectly good airplane. While Michelle was doing that, I was eating one of the best burgers I've ever had at The Fergburger in Queenstown. Highly recommended. Queenstown is very much like Banff. Lot's of shopping and restaurants and bars. It's also the place that originated a lot of the "extreme" activities you might encounter in the world. Skydiving, bungy-jumping, cliff-swinging; it's all here. We didn't partake of any other activities but booted out of town to Dunedin. Dunedin is situated on the east coast beside the Otago Peninsula. The peninsula is very picturesque. With only 1 day here, we went to go see Penguin Place which is a conservation reserve for Yellow-Eyed Penguins. Those penguins are the 3rd tallest and one of the rarest. The reserve is very cool because it's not a zoo. The people track the penguins and build them some homes and try to protect them from predators on land. There's not much they can do for them in
Otogo PeninsulaOtogo PeninsulaOtogo Peninsula

with a blinking Gary in the fore-front.
the ocean and only 1/3 of the penguins live past juvenile age. In our tour we stumbled upon a couple penguins very close to the path which isn't normal. The penguins were in their molting stage and so very fat.

The next day we flew to Syndey and here we are just figuring out what to do. Later.


9th March 2006

:ooking Cool
Hi Gary and Michele, It looks and sounds like you are having a great time. How come Gary did not jump out of the plane? We are back in Yorkton and wishing we were still in California. Keep having fun and send a few more pictures in the blog. Your trip will end only way toooooo soon. Dad
9th March 2006

I knew I raised a son with common sense! Sorry michelle but I am glad gary did not jump. It is a mom thing. Thanks for the recomandation for a good burger but have a feeling I will not be picking one up soon. I am loving the pics. Looks like the weather was a little cool on the Otago Peninsula. Take care and enjoy Australia.
10th March 2006

Hey Michelle, where can I find the latest mAXSLAM users guide? I can't find it on the H drive! HAHA!!!

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