5 qoutes

North America
October 18th 2011
Published: October 25th 2011
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1) "falling down Is how we grow, staying down is what makes us die". Brian Vaszilly.
This quote means that it's always good to fail in some things because you grow from them but staying a failure as of meaning not trying and giving up will lead to that failing achievement.
2) "It is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich". Henry ward Beecher
This quote means that it doesn't matter what things we have in life, as long as we give and not receive that will make us rich inside.
3) "It takes Courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are". E.E Cummings
This quote means alot because this shows that it takes a true person who did not change there characteristics for something else and that if you are a true genuine person then you will be guaranteed to find your true path of life's expectations.
4) "Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions" Tony Robbins
This quote is saying that problems that you are having in life then instead of using them with words use them with action
5) "Be content to act, leave the talking to others". baltasa
This quote means that never fight with words fight with your fists which is a great quote because fighting as a content act shows that you are not afraid of doing what you are achieving in life.


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