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North America
August 15th 2010
Published: August 15th 2010
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Here are just various things I'd like to dump on the blog which are not meant to necessarily illicit a reaction from you...if anything they are just various facts and figures re: our trip.

- our last camping neighbours were are follows 1) a 23yrs experience in military vet and his wife, camping since retirement. 2) an afghanistan war vet who did a tour in Kabul. He was with his 5 year old and 2.5 year old. He missed his first son's birth since he was overseas. Humbling to say the least.

- Our last campground had a bar on site blasting music on sat nites. Why drive home from the bar when you can stumble back to your campsite. Trashy to say the least. Ugh.

- People in Parrsboro will always say hi even if they don't know you. Even if you are driving by while they are cutting their lawn. The nicest people we've met bordering on a Pleasantville spoof.

- NB really rocks - they are more supportive of troops, they are pretty chill when it come to french/english tensions, they have awesome houses, great outdoor stuff/panoramas and recycle and compost like mad. They even have compost bins at drive through @ Tims. Wow.

- NS freaked me out a bit - people are warmer in Cape Breton or along the Acadian Route. Otherwise...expect a bit of stiff upperlip or someone named Vern to pump your gas (sorry if you name if Vern).

- a 4L of milk in NS cost approx 7,50 to 8$$. NO SHIT. And its not even organic or that premium filter stuff.

Ok be back soon with more. Xxx la familia. (Ps mind the typos on this one if any, I'm trying to find a grocery store that open before 12 on a Sunday!)


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