Travels begin... Miami!

North America
September 2nd 2007
Published: September 2nd 2007
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Stayed the night at Tanya's house. On Tuesday morning (21st) she dropped us off at the Boston airport shuttle bus, we said a quick goodbye because we knew we'd be seeing her again. Checked in fairly easily, Claire and Madison had to shuffle their luggage as it was overweight... not a good sign for our first day!
Plane was quick and Blades of Glory was played so that passed time. Arrived in Miami and it was boiling. Taxi to our hostel which was close so nice and cheap. Hostel seemed nice, friendly irish guy on the desk, were too early so left our luggage and went for a wonder. First stop was the beach and OH MY GOD! clear ocean, white sand and lifeguard towers equiped with baywatchesque lifeguards! Paradise. We lay out for a little bit, got some lunch at Johnny Rockets, (good memories there Lo!) head back to the hostel to check in. Our room was tiny, could barely squeeze between the bunk beds and there were 3 in there. It was cheap so not complaining and there was air con! Went to an information office to find out about the cruises to the bahamas but after a phoone call to camp america discovered our visas would let us leave the country but not to get back in so that ruled out Mexico too. 😞
Found an internet cafe so booked some hostels and flights for our next desination and went shopping... bad idea, first proper day away from camp and already spending too much money! Found a really nice restraunt, cheap and the food was incredible! Madison thought she saw Minnie Driver but on a back track realised it definitely wasn't her!
Slept really well and head to the beach the next day. All 3 of us got burnt even after multiple applications of lotion. The water was warm so fine to swim in even though went out too far and kept getting told off by baywatch crew... coulod they not tell I was one of them?!
Met a guy who said there was a hostel nighht out but we were so exhausted from camp we decided to give it a miss. Shopped a little more...
Was sad to leave so soon but we flew to San Fransisco on the Thursday (23rd).


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