Week 5 begins...

North America
July 17th 2007
Published: July 17th 2007
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Well a lot has happened sinc eI was last on... Didn't get an op to go on the internet on our last day off but luckily only had to wait 4 days for the next one!
So where was I... Went to Hanover where Dartmouth college is located, the nicest little town, heaps of Frat houses and college kids playing Frisbee so we were all excited! Got some shopping in and headed back to Keene for dinner. Went to Applebees where we had the funniest waiter called Chad, 3 of us were wearing 'Dartmouth cheerleading' t-shirts so he believed that we all went to cheer camp so was good banter!
Then the best weekend so far kicked off... Wa-klo OLYMPICS! Was soooo much fun. First the kids had to do relay races to win points for their team either white, rainbow or the team I was in Green! Played a bunch of American games one called poison which was taken really seriously, the object being you have 20 miinutes to get fromThe Ark to Council fire with all 3 ags still on your back, Katie and I hid behind the Nurses cabin then (my new favourite American word) booked it to council Fire with all of our tags, winning that round for our team, but when we played against white we got thrashed, I still had my tags but all the little kids got attacked, poor things! Ended Saturday with 'Survivor' cooking our own food on our own fire, I came in handy with all my years experience of Guides so that was ace fun! (Our team actually won the award for first fire lit!) Sunday was more games... triathalon, capture the football... etc. Award ceremony at night where they announced Green team won!! Was SO chuffed! Rainbow was second and White lost, shame.
On Tuesday a bunch of bands came to camp also known as the 'Camplified' tour, they did guitar and drum demostrations, I'm sure Kim will be proud to know they were impressed with my drumming skills! At night the three bands played, Lizzie and I were the MCs for the night which was ace fun, Remeber the Day were quite good for dancing and a wooman alled Natascha Sohl was a bit dull. Was like being at Drummonds! Unfortunatly cos I have young kids I had to take them back to the Hollow to get ready for bed so missed the last band, felt like having to make the last bus home!!
Had normal classes and stuff, nothing out of the ordinary... Had a day off on Friday so went to Boston... SUCH a nice city! So clean and pretty buildings, did some shopping in Urban Outfitters which was ace cos the prices were the same but in dollars! Trying not to spend too much, but bought a coule of nice things. It felt weird being in a hot city doing some shopping and not being allowed to stop in one of the MANY pubs dotted around for a cool beer to relax. Went to see the Order of the Phoenix at night, we got there late so had to sit at the VERY front, my neck's still sore... Film was good, loved Luna and Umbridge, gutted about some parts though.
This weekend wasn't very exciting compared to the Olympics... Council Fire and Tribe games... got to give out award beads for certain kids in my swimming class which I'm not sure was a very good idea as they've stopped working so hard!
This morning (Tuesday) got up at 6am to swim out to the island in the middle of the lake, a mile there and back, had a good group, was really tiring but was well worth it, could barely lift my arms to wash my hair afterwards, the only reason I did is cos I have a day off. It would have been interesting to see how fast Top Squad could do it!
So today, Claire (Essex) Karena (OZ) Lizzie )yorkshire, oh yes) and I hopped in a car to go to Tanya's house just outside Boston! She said it was small... she lied! It's like being on cribs or Wysteria Lane! So nice (will put up photos but camera's in the car(in the garage Mum)) Going to go to Abercrombie at her Mall and get some good food tonight then driving back to camp tomorrow morning, can't wait!



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