Basic Facts about Mental Health Issues and Irrational Fears

North America
March 16th 2019
Published: March 17th 2019
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Are you always looking over your shoulder thinking that something unusual is watching you? Perhaps you think you are being followed by a two-legged creature with wings and a bill. Every time you get up in the middle of the night do you think a duck is peeking at you from your closet? Or do you believe that a duck is hiding behind a bush watching you as you get into your car to drive to work?

If you have answered yes to any of these bizarre questions then you definitely have anatidaephobia which is the fear of being watched by a duck. Anatidaephobia is scientifically classified mental disorder. Yes, it is extremely strange but it is true. Anatidaephobia symptoms are closely related to anxiety disorders, an irrational fear of ducks or they could develop from some type of bad experience regarding ducks. For example, if a duck or group of ducks attacked your child to the point of near death, then this type of condition could develop.

This is a mental health issue that typically only develops when a person encounters a bad situation involving ducks. It could also happen if a person is involved within some type of crazy situation where a duck was somehow used to cause harm or was present when something harmful was being done to them.

Irrational fears and bad mental health are closely linked. A person suffering from PTSD can also have irrational fears related to their PTSD. People suffering from depression typically have some type of fear accompanying this condition. Poor mental health and irrational fears are not always easy to detect for most people.

Some people experience bad situations and develop fears from these events. Sometimes, people fear things without their being a real explanation for their fear. This is also tied to a person's mental health state. When people develop an irrational fear it usually because of what they believe or have heard about something.

For example, people who never joined the army or been in combat might have a natural fear of war. This fear might have developed because of what they have seen on TV or the horrible stories they have heard about this type of situation. This is one reason why so many people have a fear of prison. The horrible things they have seen on TV about prison and the awful stories that former inmates tell them about those places causes a lot of people to fear going to jail.

Ultimately, if a person's irrational fear is strong enough it can cause them some serious challenges in life. Believe it or not some people dread going to work and this fear causes them economic trouble. This fear is called ergophobia and it is a lot more common than most people would believe. People should do their best to have irrational fears treated by a professional psychologists or mental health expert. Without healing, there is always the possibility that a person's mental health will suffer greatly from their irrational fear.


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