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October 16th 2011
Published: November 14th 2011
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In a few months I will be graduating from high school. When I leave, I want to be remembered as a hard working student who was compassionate and made people laugh. Everyday as I walk through the hallways I see quotes on the wall that are placed there to send a positive message to the students. I use these quotes along with many others to help me guide my actions and attitude in a positive direction.
One quote that really sticks out to me is "be the change you wish to see in the world," which is a quote from Mahatmas Ghandi. This quote is a constant reminder for me to focus on my action and not let peer pressure and the things others do keep me from doing what's right.
I also like a quote by Leonardo da Vinci which says, "obstacles cannot crush me, every obstacle yields to stern resolve." This is a quote I can take with me day-by-day. It helps me to keep going with the obstacles I face in school and in life in general. By understanding this I can learn to move past obstacles I face and not let the past bring me down.
I also like the quote which says "nothing beats a failure but a try". This quote is very motivational for me because in a sense it's my comfort that even if I try and don't do well, it's still better than not trying at all. This is a quote that goes hand-in-hand with the quote "if at first you don't succeed, try and try again". This quote also reminds me to keep trying regardless of the difficulties I face.
A quote that I recently read that stuck with me was on by Steve Jobs which says, "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life...Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice". This is a quote that let's me know the importance of living my life for myself so that whatever impact I have will be entirely my own doing without the constant burden of other's opinions.


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